Announcement of The Divine Comedy
- Item:
- John Henry Nash Book
- Title:
- This Book Announces the Publication in Four Folio Volumes of the Comedy of Dante Alighieri of Florence Commonly Called the Divine Comedy. A Line-for-Line Translation in the Rime-Form of the Original by Melville Best Anderson.
- Author:
- John Bidwell
- Printer:
- John Henry Nash
- Place of Printing:
- San Francisco, CA
- Date of Printing:
- 1929
- Format:
- 14 x 9.25 inches
- Language:
- Incipit:
- Reference:
Author and Commentators
Not Available.
The Book
13 pages.
- Announcement
- The Florence of Dante Alighieri
- Inferno
- Puratorio
- Paradiso