Luther Burbank. His Methods and Discoveries. Vol. X.

- Item:
- Title:
- Luther Burbank. His Methods and Discoveries and Their Practical Application. Vol. X.
- Author:
- Luther Burbank
- Editors:
- John Whitson, Robert John, Henry Smith Williams
- Printer:
- Luther Burbank Press
- Place of Printing:
- New York and London
- Date of Printing:
- 1914
- Format:
- Language:
- McCune Location:
- Reference:
Author and Commentators
Luther Burbank (1849-1926). Botanist and horticulturist. Born in Massachusetts, Burbank moved to Santa Rosa, CA where he created hundreds of varieties of plants.
Henry Smith Williams (1863-1943). Physician, lawyer, author.
The Book
This set of books were prepared from Burbank’s original field notes covering more than 100,000 experiments made during forty years devoted to plant improvement, with the assistance of the Luther Burbank Society and its entire membership.
- Foreword.
- I. Getting the Most Variations Out of a Flower.
- II. Improvements in the Much Improved Iris.
- III. The Trigridia and Some Interesting Hybrids.
- IV. Four Common Dooryard Flowers – And Their Improvements.
- V. The Everlasting Flower and Some Common Exotics.
- VI. The Hybrid Larkspur – and Other Transformations.
- VII. Ornamental Palms and Climbing Vines.
- VIII. Lawns and Their Beautification.
- IX. Field and Flower Garden.
- List of Direct Color Photographs.
Frontispiece & Title
Copyright & Contents
Chp 1 Getting the Utmost Variation Out of a Flower
Ballon Flower
Double Ballon Flower
Single & Double Ballon Flowers
Double Trending to Tripleness
Another Step Towards Tripleness
Work with Calendula
Educating the Calendula
Bed of Burbank Calendulas
Promising Pupil
Another Stage of Progress
Another Calendula Variation
Calendula of Real Distinction
Extreme Development
The Iris
Graceful and Attractive
Broad-Petalled Iris
Spectacular Iris
Round-Petalled Iris
Iris with Pointed Petals
Difficult to Cross Polinate
Ingenious Mechanism
Luxurious Type
Japanese Iris
Seedling Japanese Iris
More Japanese Visitors
Unnamed Flowers from China
Selected Chinese Iris
Improved Evening Primrose
pages 74-75
Spray of Goldenrod
pages 78-79
Hybrid Tigridias
Another Hybrid Tigridia
Variant Hybrids
Seedling Tigridias
Another Bunch of Seedlings
Bulbs of the Tigridias
Blue Tigridias
Tigridia Seeds Wholesale
Nameless Missionary Flower
pages 104-105
Chp 4 Four Common Dooryard Flowers
Burbank Hybrid Verbenas
More Burbank Hybrid Verbenas
Burbank Fragrant Verbena
Bed of Burbank Verbena
Some Burbank Petunias
More Burbank Petunias
Large, Graceful, Artistic
Chinese Pinks
Bed of Chinese Pinks
Selected Chinese Pinks
Australian Star Flower
Single Australian Star Flower Plant
Burbank Crinum
Improved Burbank Crinum
Hybrid Crinum
Seed Pods of the Crinum
Chines Opium Poppies
Another Specimen of Chinese Opium Poppy
Hybrid Poppy
Giant Oriental Poppy
Bed of Oriental Poppies
Japanese Ophiopogon
Improved Hybrid Larkspur
Color Variation in Hybrid Larkspur
Brillant Specimen
Distinctive Cluster
Flower Cluster of Many Colors
Hybrid Larkspur Variations
Variable Clusters
California Morning Glory
Bed of Hybrid Morning Glories
New Burbank Morning Glory
Seedpod of Milkweed
Seedpod of Milkweed
pages 196-197
Chp 7 Ornamental Palms and Climbing Vines
Decpratove Palms
Burbank Protege
Familiar Ampelopsis
Bottle-Brush Bush
Blossom of Bottle-Brush
Japanese Maple
Leaves of Japanese Maple
The Summer Lilac
Flowers of the Tecoma
Golden Chile Sisyrinchium
pages 232-233
Chp 8 Lawns and their Beautification
The Lippia
Spanish Broom Brush
Alfalfa Seed
Bouquet of Campion Flowers
South American Flower
South American Grass
South American Thistle
Siberian Lily
Japanese Magnolia
Chilean Wild Flower
Scotch Broom
Improved Crown Vetch
California Wild Fuchsia
Blossom of Night Blooming Cereus
Beautiful Flowering Cactus
Sea Urchin Cactus
Cactus Blossom
Pink Borders
List of Photos
List of Photos