Luther Burbank. His Methods and Discoveries. Vol. VIII.

- Item:
- Title:
- Luther Burbank. His Methods and Discoveries and Their Practical Application. Vol. VII.
- Author:
- Luther Burbank
- Editors:
- John Whitson, Robert John, Henry Smith Williams
- Printer:
- Luther Burbank Press
- Place of Printing:
- New York and London
- Date of Printing:
- 1914
- Format:
- Language:
- McCune Location:
- Reference:
Author and Commentators
Luther Burbank (1849-1926). Botanist and horticulturist. Born in Massachusetts, Burbank moved to Santa Rosa, CA where he created hundreds of varieties of plants.
Henry Smith Williams (1863-1943). Physician, lawyer, author.
The Book
This set of books were prepared from Burbank’s original field notes covering more than 100,000 experiments made during forty years devoted to plant improvement, with the assistance of the Luther Burbank Society and its entire membership.
- Foreword.
- I. Corn –The King of America’s Crops
- II. Getting the Most Out of Small Grains.
- III. Manufacturing Food for Live Stock.
- IV. A Rich Field for Work in Textile Plants.
- V. Plants Which Yield Useful Chemical Substances.
- VI. Reclaiming the Deserts with Cactus.
- VII. Rival of Alfalfa.
- VIII. Many Useful Substances in Cactus.
- IX. Other Useful Plants Which Will Repay Experiment.
- List of Direct Color Photographic Prints.
Frontispiece & Title
Copyright & Contents
a Contents
Chp I. Corn - The King of America's Crops
Selection of Rainbow Corn Leaves
A Typical Corn Stalk
Primitive Types of Corn
Corn Hybrids
A Teosinte-Corn Hybrid in the Stalk
Pod Corn Variations
Ears of Corn-Teosinte Hybrids
More Like Wheat Than Corn
Various Stages of Development
A Freak Ear of Corn
Another Evidence of Old Heredity
What to Work for in Corn
The Power of Environment
Mr. Burbank's Extra Early Sweet Corn
Mr. Burbank's Giant Field of Corn
pages 42-43
Chp. II Getting the Most Out of Small Grains
Wheat Germinating on Ice
Mr. Burbank Among his 1914 Wheat Experiments
Some Results of 1914 Wheat Experiments
Selected Wheat Heads
Seven Headed Wheat
A Sheaf of Oats
Wild Oats
An Experiment with Rye
A Sheaf of Barley
pages 74-75
Chp III Manufacturing Food for Live Stock
Heads of Timothy
Soy Beans for Fodder
A Bed of Four-Leaved Clover
The Root of the Alfalfa
Alfalfa Serving a Double Purpose
Hairy Vetch in the Open Field
A Hybrid Sunflower
Stages of Progress
Sunflower Seeds
Sunflower Seeds
pages 104-105
Chp IV A Rich Field for Work in Textile Plants
The Flax Plant
European Flax Plant
Hemp Plants
Indian Hemp Plant
The Jute Plant
Cotton in the Field
Cotton Flower and Seed-Head
Cotton Boll
pages 130-131
Chp V Plants Which Yield Useful Chemical Substances
Sugar-Cane Tassel
Varieties of Sorghum
Kaffir Corn
Broom Corn
Staminate Hop Plant
Pistillate Hop Plant
A Hop Plant Vista
A Hop Field
Dried Hops by the Carload
Sugar Beets at the Factory
A Field of Sugar Beets
A Sugar Beet Anomaly
Chp VI Reclaiming the Desert with Cactus
The So-Called Candle Cactus
The Quisco Cactus
Vestigial Leaves
Giants and Dwarves
Cactus Seedlings Ready for Inspection
Spineless and Spiny
Mr Burbank Selecting Cactus Seedlings
How Cactus Plants are Propagated
Cactus Plants in the Nursery
Spineless Cactus Slabs Ready for Shipment
Spineless Cactus Showing Two Month Growth
A Thrifty Yearling
A Yearling of Different Type
Another Well-Balanced Cactus
pages 206-207
Promising Colony
Chp VII A Rival of Alfalfa
Contrasting Types of Cactus
A Promising Fruit Crop
The Niagra Cactus
The Prolific Cactus
Young Royal Cactus Plant
The Banana Cactus
The Sugar Cactus
The Signal Cactus
The Hemet Cactus
The Melrose Cactus
The Quillota Cactus
The Competent Cactus
Special & Robusta
The Special Cactus
The Robusta Cactus
Chp VIII Many Useful Substances in Cactus
The Titania Cactus
A Remarkable Fruit Colony
Cactus Patch in Blossom
A Cactus Patch in Fruit
A Young Eldorado Cactus Plant
Propagating for Quick Results
Cactus Candy
A Cactus Slab-Fan
Odd Uses of Cactus Spine
pages 268-269
Chp IX Other Useful Plants
A Bundle of Rice
A Wild Chilean Grass
Blue-Eyed Grass
A Bed of Land Cress
Another Unnamed Exotic
A Bunch of Millet
Another Type of Millet
Japan Grass
Australian Rattlesnake Grass
Water Grass in Bloom
Pampas Grass
List of Photographs
List of Photographs