Vergil (Publius Vergilius Maro) 70 B.C. – 17 B.C. Roman poet, best known for three major works—the Eclogues (or Bucolics), the Georgics, and the Aeneid. He is considered as one of Roman’s greatest classical poets.
Filippo Beroaldo the Elder (1453-1505). Italian scholar and lecturer from Bologna. He taught at the University of Bologna and also became Librarian at the Vatican Library and editor of several classical texts.
Tiberius Claudius Donato (late 4th century). Author of a commentary on the Aeneid.
Servius Maurus Honoratus (late 4th century). Roman grammarian. He wrote commentary on the works of Virgil, using a number of earlier sources.
Marcus Valerius Probus (late 1st century). Roman grammarian. He wrote commentary on the Bucolics and Georgics.
Mapheus Vegius, also Maffeo Vegio (1406-1458). Italian poet and humanist, who taught at University of Pavia. Vegius studied the classical Latin poets, especially Virgil. He later became a member of the Augustinian order.
Augustini Dati, also Agostino Dati (1420-1478). Italian humanist teacher of philosophy and history from Siena.
Iodoci Badius (Josse Badius Ascensius) (1462-1535). Born in the village of Asche (near Brussels), he became a scholar and later a printer. He wrote a major commentary on the works of Virgil and was editor of many other classic books in Greek and Latin.
Antonio Mancinelli (1452-1505). Italian grammarian and rhetorician, who taught in many cities such as Venice, Rome and Velletri. He corrected copies of the works of classical authors such as Cicero, Horace, Virgil, etc.
Domizio Calderino (1447-1478). Italian humanist, teacher, commentator and editor of classical texts.
Christopher Landini (Cristoforo Landino) (1424-1498) was a poet as well as a classical scholar. Born in Florence, his patron was Pietro Di Cosimo De Medici. Landini taught rhetoric and poetry in Florence. He wrote commentary on the Aeneid and on the works of Horace.
Eclogues, Georgics, Aeneid. The commentary is by Jodocus Badius Ascensius, Filippo Beroaldo, and Donati. The thirteenth book of the Aeneid was written by Mapheus Vegius.
Minor poems attributed to Virgil in the medieval age: Culex, Dirae in Battarum, Aetna, Cyris, Moretum, Hortulus, De Obitu Mecenatis, Vir Bonus, De Ludo Contra Avaricia & Iram Lepidum Epigramma, De Livore, De Venere & Vino, De Littera Y Litera Pytagorae, Copa, Aut Potius Ausonii Rosae, De Aetatibus Animalium, De Aerumnis Herculis, De Herculis Laboribus, Experienta, De Cantu Syrenarus, De Die Festo, De Fortuna, De Orpheo, De Se Ipso, De Quattuor Temporibus Anni, De Ortu Solis.
There are over 200 woodcuts. The woodcut blocks were first used in the 1502 edition of Gruninger’s edition of Virgil edited by Sebastian Brant. These blocks were then transferred to Sacon for his use. Some of the woodcut blocks appear to have been damaged and then repaired and some of the captions on the blocks have worn away. There are floriated initial letters on many pages. The title pages are printed in red and black and have elaborate decorations.
Jacobus Sacon (Jacques Sacon) (ca 1472-1530). Printer in Lyons who was active from 1498-1522.