- Helen Balmere, Jungle Adventure, Simon&Schuster 1993 pop-up book, ISBN 671-86768-7.
- Nick Bantock, There was an old lady . Viking Penquin1990. Pop-up book. ISBN 0-670-83194-8
- Nick Bantock, KublaKhan. Viking Penquin1994. Popup/by Samuel Taylor Coleridge. ISBN 0-670-85242-2
- Nick Bantock, Jabberwocky. Viking Penquin1991. Pop-up book. ISBN 0-670-84085-8
- Nick Bantock, Griffin & Sabine, An Extraordinary Corresponce. Book 1 of a series. Chronicle Books 1991. ISBN 0-87701-788-3
- Nick Bantock, Sabine’sNotebook In Which the Extraordinary Correspondence of Griffin & Sabine Continues. Book 2 of a series. Chronicle Books 1992. ISBN 0-8118-0180-2
- Nick Bantock, The Golden Mean : In Which the Extraordinary Correspondence of Griffin & Sabine Concludes. Book 3 of a series. Chronicle Books 1993. Series conclusion. ISBN 0-8118-0298-1
- Maggie Bateson et al. A VicorianFarm House. St. Martin’s. 1993. popup/open to 360 degrees/tabletop. ISBN 0-312-08931-7.
- Michael Bender. Waiting for Filippo [about Brunelleschi]. Chronicle Book. 1995. Popup. ISBN 0-8118-0181-0
- Davids Carter and Sarah Weeks. Noodles. Harper Festival 1996 popup. ISBN 0-694-00842-7.
- Carter, David A. How Many Bugs in a Box. Simon&Schuster 1988. popup/sliders. ISBN 0-671-64965-5
- Compass Productions. Life on a Limb [One very small square}. Sci.American. 1994. Popup/by Donald Silver. Illustrations by Patricia Wynne. ISBN 0-7167-6563-2.
- Compass Productions. Lion Cubs at Home [One very small square}. Sci. American. 1995. Popup/by Donald M. Silver. Illustrated by Patricia J. Wynne. ISBN 0-7167-6609-4.
- Robert Crowther. Most Amazing pop-up of Machines. Viking. 1988. Popup. ISBN 0-670-82339-2
- Alexandra Day. Carl Pops Up. Little Simon. 1994. Popup. ISBN 0-671-87105-6
- Claude Delafosse & Gallimard Jennesse. Animals [first Discovery Art Books]. Scholastic. 1993. Transparent overlays. Illustrated by Tony Ross. ISBN 0-590-55202-3.
- Delafosse Claude & Gallimard Jeunesse. Portraits [First Discovery Art Books]. Scholastic. 1995. Transparent overlays. Illustrated by Tony Ross. ISBN 0-590-55200-7.
- James Roger Diaz. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Dell. Popup/by Lewis Carroll. Designer: John Strejan. Illustrated by Jenny Thorne, after Sir John Tenniel. ISBN 0-440-40540-8.
- James Roger Diaz. The Bee. Stewart Tabori & Chang. 1991. Popup/foldout. Illustrations by Biruta Akerbergs Hanson. Book design by Lynette Ruschak. Cover design by Lynn Pieroni. Text by Beth B. Norden. ISBN 1-55670-218-3.
- James Roger Diaz. The Butterfly. Stewart Tabori & Chang. 1991. popup/foldout/ by Maria M. Mudd. Illustrations by Wendy Smith-Griswold. ISBN 1-55670-219-1.
- James Roger Diaz and John Strajan. Creatures of the Desert World. Nat.Geographic. 1987. POPUP/sliders. Illustrated by Barbara Gibson. ISBN 0-87044-687-8.
- James Roger Diaz & John Strejan.. Strange Animals of the Sea. Nat.Geographic. 1987. POPUP/sliders. Illustrated by Jerry Pinkney. ISBN 0-870-44686-X.
- James Roger Diaz. Whales. Nat. Geographic. 1996. Popup/By R.Morrison/J.Rinard. Illustrated by Ned and Rosalie Seidler. ISBN 0-87044-810-2.
- James Roger Diaz. At the Zoo. Nat. Geographic. 1992. Popup/sliders. Illustrated by Warren Cutler. ISBN 0-87044-872-2.
- Vic Duppa-White and David Rosendale. The Human Body. Viking. 1983. Popup/by Jonathan Miller. Designed by David Pelham. Illustrated by Harry Willock. ISBN 0-670-85570-7.
- Vic Duppa-Whyte. The Royal Family Pop-up Book. Bounty Books 1984. Popup/ By Patrick Montague-Smith. Illustrated by Roger Payne. ISBN 0-517-44650-2.
- Electric Paper, London. Nature’s Deadly Creatures. Dial/Penguin. 1993. popup/by Frances Jones. ISBN 0-8037 1342-8 92-6491.
- K. Faulkner and J.Lambert. A Fish Story. PriceSternSloan. 1994. Lift flap up. ISBN 0-8431-3646-4.
- Gallimard Jeunesse. Taming Fire. Scholastic. 1995. overlays/Back cover sealed. ISBN 0-590-476378.
- Gallimard Jeunesse. The History of Making Books. Scholastic. 1995. overlays/back cover sealed. ISBN 0-590-47652-1.
- Red Grooms. Ruckus Rodeo. Harry Abrams. 1988. popup/art/shopworn. ISBN 0 0-8109-15979
- Red Grooms. Ruckus Rodeo. Harry Abrams. new condition. ISBN 0-8109-1597-9.
- David Hawcock. Great American Houses and Gardens. Universe/Rzzouli. 2002. popup/By Chuck Fischer. ISBN 0-7893-0798-7.
- David Hawcock. Navigation A 3 Dimensional Exploration. Orchard Books 1992. popup/by Anne Blanchard. Illustrations by Irvine Peacock. ISBN 0-531-05455-1
- Hawcock, David. Tyrannosaurus Rex The Tyrant King. Chronicle Books. 1995. Popup. Illustrations by John Sibbick. ISBN 0-8118-0835-1
- David Hawcock. Them Bones. ISBN 0-385-31045-5.
- Rein Jansma. Stairs. Stewart Tabori & Chang. 1999. popup/adult. ISBN 0-55670-963-3.
- Damian Johnston. The Amazing Multiplication Book. Dutton. 1998. Popup/First USA edition. Illustrations by Jennie Mazels. Text by Kate Pettys. Math: George Donaldson. ISBN 0-525-45998-7.
- Celia King. Seven Mythical Creatures. Chronicle Books. 1996. Popup. ISBN 0-8118-0673-1 94-60206.
- Celia King. Seven Great Explorations. Chronicle Books. 1996. Popup. ISBN 0-8118-1375-4.
- Rhod Lauffer. Back Off! Animal Defenses. Sci.American. 1994. popup/by Paul Mirocha. ISBN 0-7167-6534-9
- Tof Lokvig. Haunted House. Dutton. 1979. popup/by Jan Piendowski. Asst. Illustrator Jane Walmssle. ISBN 0-525-31520-9.
- Tof Lokvig. Genius of Lothar Meggendorfer. Random House. 1985. popup adult (shop worn). Maurice Sendak Forward. Illustrations, Jim Deesing after L. MeggendorferIn. ISBN 0-394-54690-3 85-2183.
- Jody Marshall. The Air and Everywhere. Sci. American. 1994. Popup. llustrated by Elizabeth McClelland. ISBN 0-7167-6547-0.
- Ruth Mawdeley. Strange Scavenging Creatures. Ideals Chlds Bks. 1994. Popup. Popup/By Ken Hoy. Illustrations by Isabel Bowring. Conceived& designed Graham Brown & R. Mawdslay. [The Scientific American Popup Book of Birds] ISBN 0-57102-001-2.
- Dennis Meyer & J.R.Seminario. Golf-o-Rama. Hyperion Books. 1994. popup/game. Illustrated by Billmayer. ISBN 1-5682-635-2.
- Dennis Meyer and Ariel Apte. Noah’s Ark. Harper Collins. S.F. 1994. Popup/by Brian Wildsmith. ISBN 0-06-069366-5.
- James Morrison. African Animal Giants. Nat. Geographic. 1997. Popup/sliders/by J. Dietz /R. Cremins. ISBN 0-7922-2783-2 94-25393.
- Keith Moseley. Book of three-dimensional Dragons. 1994. popup/ Greg Hildebrandt. ISBN 0-316-15240-4.
- Keith Moseley. Snow Mouse. Van der Meer. 1999. popup/foldouts. ISBN 90-76048-23-1.
- Keith Moseley. It Was a Dark & Stormy Night. Dial Books. 1991. popup/mystery [solution sealed]. ISBN 0-8037-1021-6.
- Keith Moseley. Who’s Afraid of Tigers? Price Stern Sloan. 1993. POPUP/BY JOHN PATIENCE. ISBN 0-8431-3542-5.
- Keith Moseley & John Strejan. The Naughty Nineties [adults only]. Harper Collins. 1994. POPUP. Illustrated by Borje Svensson. ISBN 0-00-411891-X.
- Keith Moseley et al. Batman. Little, Brown. 1994. Popup/first edition. ISBN 0-316-17788-1.
- Chuck Murphy and H. Vohs. STAR WARS, The Mos Eisley Cantina Pop-up Book. Little Brown & Co. 1993 Popup/light and sound. Book design by Lynette Ruschak. ISBN 0-316-53511-7/94-73767. [ 0316535117].
- Ernest Nister. Magic Windows /orig.1895. Philomel Books. 1981. swivel/sliders. ISBN 0-399-20773-2 80-20821
- Steve Noon. Open House. DK. 1996. Lift the Flap/first usa Ed. ISBN 0-7894-1049-6
- Stef. & Dom Perring. Then & Now. MacMillan. 1991. Transparent overlays. ISBN 0-02-599461-1
- Matthew Reinhart. The Pop-up Book of Phobias. Rob Weisbach. Popup/by Gary Greenberg. Illustrated by Balvis Rubess. ISBN 0-688-17195-8.
- Robert Sabuda. The Movable Mother Goose. Little Simon. 1999 Popup/first edition/signed. ISBN 0-689-81192-6.
- Robert Sabuda. ABC Disney an Alphabet pup-up. Disney Press. 1998. popup/first edition. ISBN 0-7868-3132-4.
- Robert Sabuda. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Little Simon. 2003. Popup/by Lewis Carroll. ISBN 0-689-84743-2.
- Robert Sabuda. The Wonderful Wizard of OZ. Little Simon. 2000. popup/by L. Frank Baum. ISBN 0-689-8175-7.
- Robert Sabuda. America the Beautiful [song interpretation]. Little Simon. 2004. popup first edition/cover dings. ISBN 0-689-84744.
- Robert Sabuda. Winter’s Tale. Little Simon. 2005. Popup/first Edition/with lights ISBN 0-689-85363-7.
- Robert Sabuda. Cookie Count, A Tasty Pop-up. Little Simon. 1997. Popup. ISBN 0-689-81191-8
- Robert Sabuda. Help the Animals of North America. Reader’s Digest. 1995. Popup. ISBN 0-89577-665-0.
- Totto Seibord. Alice Pop-up Wonderland. Orchard Books. 2003. popup, First Edition. ISBN 0-439-41184-X.
- Ian Smyth. The Eye of the Pharaoh Whodunit. Dutton. 1995. popup/sliders. Jacqueline Crawfoord, Assit. writer and illustrator. ISBN 0-525-45427-6.
- Ian Smyth. The Russian Ruby Whodunnit. Dutton. 1994. popup/slider. ISBN 0-525-45274-5.
- R. Smith & H.Balmer. Boticelli’s Bed & Breakfast. Simon&Schuster. 1996. popup/standup/ by Jan Pienkowski. ISBN 0-684-83523-1.
- Roger Smith. X-Men. Random House. 1994. Popup/MARVEL COMICS/Artie Ruiz.
- Roger Smith. Walt Disney’s Snow White & the 7dwarf. Disney Press. 1993. POPUP/with Jose R.Seminario. ISBN 1-56282-365-5.
- Roger Smith. The Magic Toyshop. Simon&Schuster. 1988. Popup/foldout/lightly used. Illustrated by Michael Welply/by Peter Seymour concept and design by Jon Z. Haber. ISBN 0-671-66907-9
- Antje V. Stemm. Nightmare Café. Envision. 1998. Popup/by Alex Henry. ISBN1-890633-06-2.
- Antje V. Stemm. Nightmare Hotel. Envision. 1997. Popup/By Alex Henry. ISBN 1-890633-02-X.
- Ron Van der meer. The Rock Pack. Universe/Rizuli. EVERYTH ING with Rock&Roll HallFame. Contains many loose items. ISBN 0-7893-0100-8.
- Ron Van der Meer. The Bible Beasties. M.Pickering. 1993. Popup/with Babette Cole. ISBN -0551-025956
- Ron Van Der Meer. The Architecture Pack. AlfredAKnopf. 1997. Popup/Adult/tape!!! ISBN 0-679-43100-4.
- Ron Van der Meer. The Kids’ Art Pack. DK ed. 1994. Popup with Frank Whitford. ISBN 0-7894-2169-0
- Ron Van Der Meer. The Art Pack. AlfredAKnopf. 1993. Popup/cassette/loose parts With Freylin. ISBN 0-679-41419-3.
- RonVan Der Meer. The Math Kit. Charles Scribners.1994. popup/adult/pullouts/loose stuff. 3Dimensional Tour Through Mathematics. Everything/loose parts. ISBN 0-02-621535-7.
- Ron Van Der Meer. The Music Pack. AlfredAKnopf. 1994. Popup/Adult/CDwith M. Berkeley. ISBN 0-679-43098-9.
- Jay Young. The Most Amazing Science. Harper Festival. 1994. Popup. ISBN 0-694-00588-6.
Paper Cut Out Books / Do-It-Yourself 2D & 3D projects / Calendars By Illustrator
- Kathy Allert. Japanese Girl and Boy. Dover. Paper Doll Book. ISBN 0-486-26680-X.
- Kathy Allert. Spanish Girl and Boy. Dover. Paper Doll Book. ISBN 0-486-27499-3.
- Evelyn Gathings. Old-Fashioned Children. Dover. Paper Doll Book. ISBN 0-486-26123-9.
- Marta K Krebs. Authentic Shirley Temple Paper dolls. Dover. [reprint from 1937 orig.]. ISBN 0-486-26610-9.
- Patti, Joyce STAR WARS EPISODE I/ Queen Amidala. Lucas Film. Paper Doll Book. ISBN 0-375-80020-4
- Spooner, Paul Spooner’s Moving Animals. Harry N Abrams. 1986. Popup DIY construction. ISBN 0-8109-23331-9.
- Tom Tierney. Diana Princess of Wales. Dover. Paper dolls/Charity Auction. ISBN 0-486-40015-8.
- Anne Wild. The Egyptians Pop-up. British Museum. Tarquin. 1996. popup Do it yourself. ISBN 0-9-6212-44-8.
- Miroslav Bartak. Cartoons in Color. Pomegranate. 1996. Calendar with words. ISBN 0-7649-0182-6
- Jean-Michel Basquiat. Paintings with Words. le Neues. 1994. Calendar. ISBN 3-8238-1405-2
- Glen Baxter. Cartoons/drawings/color. Harper&Rowe. 1990. Calendar/droll humor. ISBN 0-06-096362-X
- Catch Publishing. Wallpaper as Art. Catch. 2003. Calendar. ISBN 1931432362-X.
- Cleveland Museum. Florilegium French Botanical. Cleveland museum. 1998. Calendar/museum of art. ISBN 0-7649-0590-2.
- Met Museum of Art. Ancient Egypt. universe/Rizzoli. 2006. Calendar/Popup. ISBN 0-7893-1231-X
- Abraham Mignon et al. Baroque Flowers/ still life. RijksMuseum. 1997. Calendar/Dutch artists. ISBN 3-8238-5112-8.
- Koloman Moser. Design in Fin de Siecle Vienna. hstoric dsign. 2005. Calendar/Dec Art graphics. ISBN 1-55858-566-4.
- Lisbeth Zwerger. Wizard of OZ. north-south. 1997. Calendar/whimsy drawn. ISBN 1-55858-767-5
- Lisbeth Zwerger. Dairy Tale Calendar. north-south. 1999. Calendar/Hansel et al out of stock?
- Graeme Base. Animalia. Harry Abrams. 1993. Alphabeted pages. ISBN 0-81091939-7
- Graime Base. The Eleventh Hour Curious Mystery. Harry Abrams. 1993. sealed solution. ISBN 0-8109-3265-2.
- Jan Brett. Armadillo Rodeo. G.Putnam. 1995. First Impression. ISBN 0-399-22803-9.
- Jan Brett. BerliozThe Bear. Scholastic. 1991.Caldecott medal?/used. ISBN 0-590-45754-3.
- Sir Hugh Casson. The Old Man of Lochnagar. Hmsh Hmilton. 1983. by Prince Charles HRH Prince of Wales . ISBN 0-241-11145-5
- Mustafa Delioglu. 1001 Myths from Turkey 1. Filiz Publishing. 2003. Soyturk, Isik source. ISBN 975977917-X.
- Mustafa Delioglu. 1001 Myths from Turkey 2. Filiz Publishing 2003 Soyturk, Isik source. ISBN 975977917-X
- Henrik Drescher. Look-Alikes. Lothrp,Lee,SHp. 1985. First Edition/cover damage. ISBN 0-688-05816-7 LC 85-225.
- Cooper Edens. Caretakers of Wonder. GreenTigerPress. 1980. 2nd hardbound edition 1st Printing. ISBN 0-914676-78-4.
- Cooper Edens. Now Is The Moon’s Eyebrow. GreenTigerPress. 1980. First Edition First Printing/paperback. ISBN 0-88138-070-9.
- Cooper Edens. Hugh’s Hues. GreenTigerPress. 1988. Dust Cover/paperback. ISBN0-88138-108-X.
- Mary Engelbreit. The Snow Queen. Workman. 1995. dustcover. ISBN 1-56305-438-8.
- Brian Froud, Terry Jones. Lady Cottington’s Pressed Fairy Book. TurnerBrdcst. 1994.quashed FAirys/bugs/loose things. ISBN 1-57036-062-6
- Herge. Cigars of the Pharaoh. Atlantic. 1975. TinTin/paperback/used.
- Heinrich Hoffmann. Struwwelpeter German 1845/USA Ed. Dover.1995. Dover Books copy. ISBN 0-486-28469-7.
- Heidi Holder. Crows, an old rhyme. FrarStrasGrox. 1987. numbers1-12/1st edition/dust c over. ISBN 87-045364.
- Max Howard. People Papers, a Harlin Quist Book. Harlin Quist. 1974. 13? Illustrators. ISBN 8252-0112-8.
- Jane Johnson. Bertie on the Beach. Four Winds. 1981 First USA Edition. ISBN 0-590-07822 74-6874.
- Susan Kallay. December’s Travels. Dial. 1986. by Mischa Damjan. ISBN 0-8037-0257-4 86-2155.
- Carl Larsson, [painter]. A Family. Putnam. 1974. Dust Cover/by Lennart Rudstrom. ISBN 0-399-20700-7
- Lee Mair, H.Willsbeak. Old Dutch Nursert rhymes {songs]. Augener, Ltd. 1917 linen hardcover/worn/. Copyright 1917.
- Francois Place. The Last Giants. David R.Godine. 1992. Dust cover/PRIZE WINNER* *France/grand prize children’s literature 1992; *Montrieul/Totem Prize 1992; *Golden Circles Prize for Children’s Literature. ISBN 0-87923-990-5.
- Faith Ringgold. Tar Beach. Dragonfly/Crown. 1991. Paperback/Caldecott Honor. ISBN 0-517-88544-1.
- Maurice Sendak. E.T.A. Hoffmann Nutcracker . Crown. 1984. Used/Dust cover/shopworn
- Maurice Sendak. We are all in the Dumps with Jack&Guy. 1993. Mother Goose rhymes/1st edition. ISBN 0-06-205014-1.
- Elly Simmons. Magic Dogs of the Volcanoes. ChldrnsBkPress. 1990. paperback/by Manlio Argueta. ISBN 0-89239-129-4.
- Colin Thompson. Looking for Atlantis. Alfred Knopf. 1993. rize winner artist. ISBN 0-679-85648-X
- Colin Thompson. Ruby. Random House. 1994. win car opportunity. ISBN 1-85681-089-5
- Lisbeth Zwerger. Noah’s Ark. translated by Rosemaray Lanning. nrthsouthbks 1997. Dust Cover/By Heinz Janisch.
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