Eighth Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institute
Smithsonian Annual Report (1854)
Smithsonian Institute
Beverley Tucker, Senate Printer
Place of Printing:
Washington, D.C.
Date of Printing:
McCune Location:
The Book
This is the eighth annual report from the Smithsonian Institute. It includes the text of will of James Smithson, the benefactor of the collection.
Contents (partial)
Eighth Annual Report presented 3
Meteorological Observers, Jan. 1, 1854 60
Expenditures during 1853 67
Report of Building Committee 69
Proceedings of the Board of Regents 72
Estimates to be made by Executive Committee and Secretary 78
By-Laws of the Smithsonian Institution 100
Will of Smithson 107
Act of Congress accepting Bequest of Smithson 111
Act of Congress establishing the Smithsonian Institution 112
First Report of the Secretary 127
Second Report of the Secretary 156
Third Report of the Secretary 168
Fourth Report of the Secretary 185
Fifth Report of the Secretary 208
Sixth Report of the Secretary 231
SpineFront CoverLibrary MarkTitleTransmittal LetterOfficersEx-Officio MembersRoger B. Tanney LetterReport of the SecretaryReport of the SecretaryAdditions to the collectionPublicationsMeteorological Observations 1854 Meteorological Observations 1854Building CommitteeProceedingsExpendituresBy-lawsAppendixWill of SmithsonWill of SmithsonThe Royal SocietyCongress accepting bequestReports 1847-1853First Report2nd Annual Report3rd Annual Report4th Annual Report5th Annual Report6th Annual ReportIndexIndexBack Cover