Smithsonian Annual Report (1904)
- Item:
- Title:
- Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution showing the operations, expenditures and condition of the Institution for the year ending June 30, 1904.
- Author:
- Printer:
- Government Printing Office
- Place of Printing:
- Washington, D.C.
- Date of Printing:
- 1906
- Format:
- inches
- Language:
- McCune Location:
- Reference:
Author and Commentators
Not available.
The Book
Not available.
- Letter from the Secretary, submitting the Annual Report of the Regents to Congress iii
- General subjects of the Annual Report iv
- Contents of the Report v
- List of Plates ix
- Members ex officio of the Establishment xiii
- Regents of the Smithsonian Institution xiv
- Proceedings of the Board of Regents.
- Meetings of December 8, 1903, January 37, and March 7. 1904 xv
- Report of the Executive Committee for the year ending June 30, 1904.
- Condition of the fund July 1 , 1904 xxxv
- Receipts and expenditures for the year xxxvi
- Appropriation for International Exchanges xxxvii
- Details of expenditures of same xxxvii
- Appropriation for American Ethnology xxxviii
- Details of expenditures of same xxxix
- Appropriations for the National Museum xli
- Details of expenditures of same xli
- Appropriation for Astrophysical Observatory lviii
- Details of expenditures of same lviii
- Appropriation for observation of solar eclipse lx
- Balance of same lx
- Appropriation for the National Zoological Park lx
- Details of expenditures of same lx
- Recapitulation lxv
- General summary lxvi
- Acts and Resolutions of Congress relative to Smithsonian Institution, etc lxix
- The Smithsonian Institution 1
- The Establishment 1
- Organization of the Board of Regents 2
- Meetings of the Board of Regents 2
- General considerations 5
- The removal of the remains of James Smithson 7
- Buildings 11
- Finances 11
- Research 13
- Hodgkins fund - 13
- Naples table 15
- Explorations . . 16
- Publications 16
- Library 20
- Correspondence 21
- International American Archaeological Commission 22
- International Congresses and Expositions 24
- Miscellaneous 27
- National Museum 27
- Bureau of American Ethnology 30
- International Exchanges 31
- National Zoological Park 32
- Astrophysical Observatory 34
- Necrology 35
- Appendixes:
- I. Report on the United States National Museum 37
- II. Report on the Bureau of American Ethnology 46
- III. Report on the International Exchange Service- . 55
- IV. Report on the National Zoological Park 69
- V. Report on the Astrophysical Observatory 78
- VI. Report of the Librarian - 87
- VII. Report of the Editor 91
- VIII. Report of the Representative of the Smithsonian Institution and
- National Museum, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, Mo., 1904 100
- Experiments with the Langley Aerodrome, by S. P. Langley 113
- The Relation of Wing Surface to Weight, by R. Von Lendenfeld 127
- The Rumford Spectroheliograph of the Yerkes Observatory, by George E. Hale and Ferdinand Ellerman. 131
- The Construction of large Telescope Lenses, by Dr. C. Faulhaber 163
- Some Reflections Suggested by the Application of Photography to Astronomical Research, by Prof. H. H. Turner 171
- Radiation in the Solar System, by J. H. Poynting 185
- Condensation Nuclei, by Prof. C. T. R. Wilson 193
- The Present Problems of Inorganic Chemistry, by Sir William Ramsay 207
- The Evolution of the Scientific Investigator, by Simon Newcomb 221
- Metals in the Atmosphere, by Prof. Alfred Ditte 235
- Observations on Vision in Brightness and in Obscurity, with a Hypothesis on the Cause of Color Blindness, by O. Lummer 249
- A Lightning Spiral observed near Basel, by Fr. Klingelfuss 259
- Variations of Specific Gravity, by Georg W. A. Kahlbaum 261
- Some New Methods of Lighting, by A. Berthier 267
- The Progress in Wireless Telegraphy, by William Maver, Jr 275
- Electric Welding Development, by Elihu Thomson 281
- The History of Some Discoveries in Photography, by Robert Hunt 287
- Theories of Ore Deposition Historically Considered, by S. F. Emmons 309
- On Mountains and Mankind, by Douglas W. Freshfield 337
- Morocco, by Theobald Fischer 355
- The Work of the Reclamation Service, by F. H. Newell 373
- The Yuma Reclamation Project, by J. B. Lippincott 383
- The Evidence of Evolution, by Hugo De Vries 388
- The Evolutionary Significance of Species, by O. F. Cook 397
- Some Bird Life in British Papua, by R. A. Vivian 413
- Bird Sanctuaries in New Zealand 419
- The House Sparrow, by Dr. J. O. Skinner 423
- Some Tibetan Animals, by R. Lydekker 429
- The Multiple Origin of Horses and Ponies, by Dr. J. Cossar Ewart 437
- Egyptian and Arabian Horses, by E. Prisse d'Avennes 457
- Bees and Flowers, by Prof. E. L. Bouvier 469
- The Pearl Fisheries of Ceylon, by Prof. W. A. Herdman 485
- Flying Fish and their Habits, by Dr. Theodore Gill 495
- The Stature of Man at Different Epochs, by A. Dastre 517
- Old Age, by Elie Metchnikoff 533
- The Contributions of American Archeology to History, by W. H. Holmes 551
- Gournia, by Harriet A. Boyd 559
- Archaeological Researches on the Frontiers of Argentina and Bolivia, by Eric von Rosen 573
- A General View of the Archaeology of the Pueblo Region, by Edgar L. Hewett 583
- The Painting of Human Bones among the American Aborigines, by Dr. Ales Hrdlicka 607
- Sling Contrivances for Projectile Weapons, by F. Krause 619
- Materials Used to Write upon before the Invention of Printing, by Prof. Albert Maire 639
- An Inquiry into the Population of China, by W. W. Rockhill 659
- Chinese Architecture, by S. W. Bushell 677
- Pewter and the Revival of its Use, by Arthur Lasenby Liberty 693
- Cameos, by Cyril Davenport 713
- The Economic Conquest of Africa by the Railroads, by A. Fock 721
- The Present Aspects of the Panama Canal, by William H. Burr 737
- The Sanitation of the Isthmian Canal Zone, by W. C. Gorgas 745
- The Projected New Barge Canal, by Col. Thomas W. Symons 751
- Rapid Transit Subways in Metropolitan Cities, by Milo R. Maltbie 759
- Sir George Gabriel Stokes, by Ernest W. Brown 773
- Karl Alfred von Zittel, by Charles Schuchert 779
- Karl Gegenbauer, by Oscar Hertwig 787
House Resolution
Report Subjects
Transmittal Letter
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Part I
List of Errata
Condition & Progress
Census of the Collection
Census of the Collection
Page 83
Part II
Chart of Eskimo Collection
Chart of Eskimo Collection
Am. Aboriginal Pottery
Plate I
Plate II
Plate III
Plate IV
Foods & Textiles
Steam Transportation
Plate I Locomotive John Bull
Locomotive John Bull
Locomotive John Bull
Plate II Details of Track
Plate III
Plate IV Locomotive #274 President Garfield
Locomotive #274 President Garfield
Plate V Passenger Carriages
Passenger Carriages
Materia Medica
Birds' Eggs
Plate I Vial-Holder
Marine Invertebrates
Comparative Anatomy
Invertebrate Fossils
Invertebrate Fossils
Part III
Meteorite Collection
Plate I Tucson Meteorite
Tuscon, Irwin, Ainsa or Signet Meteorite
Shepard Meteorite Chart
Gem Collection
Plate I Marble Quarry
Building & Ornamental Stones
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
List of Illustrations
List of Illustrations
Part I
Plate II Microscopic Structure of Rocks
Rock Classification
Geological Record
Wardwell Channeling Machine
Wardwell Channeling Machine
Plate III Quarrying Sandstone
Plate IV Kinds of Finish
Splitting Stone
Splitting Stone
Saunders Channeling Machine
Saunders Channeling Machine
Saunders Channeling Machine
Diamond Channeling Machine
Diamond Gadder
McDonald Stone Cutting Machine
Plate V Stone Cutting Tools
Plate VI Serpentine Quarry
Fossiliferous Limetone
Plate VII Marble Regions in New England
Dorset Mountain
Plate VIII Granite Quarry
Plate IX Triassic Sandstone
Stones of Other Countries
Qualities of Building Stones
Specimens of Textiles
Textile Fibers
How to Collect Mammal Skins
How to Collect Mammal Skins
How to Collect Mammal Skins
How to Collect Mammal Skins
How to Collect Mammal Skins
How to Collect Mammal Skins
How to Collect Mammal Skins
How to Collect Mammal Skins
How to Collect Mammal Skins
Part IV
Part V
Introductory Note
List of Accessions
Indexes to List of Accessions
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