Forty Famous Fairy Tales
- Item:
- Young Adult Book
- Title:
- Forty Famous Fairy Tales
- Author:
- Edited by Katharine Newbold Birdsall
- Illustrator:
- Katherine Cameron
- Printer:
- G.P. Putnam’s Sons - Knickerbocker Press
- Place of Printing:
- New York and London
- Date of Printing:
- No date listed
- Format:
- Language:
- Incipit:
- Reference:
Author and Commentators
Katharine Newbold Birdsall (1877-?). American author, editor, and artist.
Katherine Cameron (1874-1965). Scottish illustrator.
The Book
Not available.
- The Flying Trunk
- Rumpelstilzkin
- King John and the Abbot of Canterbury
- The Six Swans
- Jack the Cunning Thief
- The Twelve Brothers
- The Tinder-Box
- The Three Dwarfs
- The Story of Sigurd
- Story of the Emperor’s New Clothes
- Hudden and Dudden and Donald O’Neary
- The Boy and the Wolves
- Connla and the Fairy Maiden
- Hearafterthis
- The Three Wishes
- The Crow
- The Wise Men of Gotham
- The Three Sillies
- Beth Gellert
- My Own Self
- Little Tux
- Nix Nought Nothing
- The Steadfast Tin Soldier
- The History of Tom Thumb
- Beauty and the Beast
- The Real Princess
- Snowdrop
- The Sleeping Beauty in the Wood
- Hansel and Gretel
- The Brave Little Tailor
- The History of Jack the Giant Killer
- The Storks
- Jack and the Beanstock
- The Three Little Pigs
- Blue Beard
- Henny-Penny
- Cinderella
- The Master Cat or Puss in Boots
- Titty Mouse and Tatty Mouse
- The Story of the Three Bears
- Little Red Riding-Hood
Frontispiece & Title
Little Red Riding Hood
page 19
page 42
page 51
page 110
page 113
Connla & the Fair Maiden
page 132
page 138
page 146
page 148
page 151
page 157
page 162
page 166
page 168
page 179
A Fairy Took Tom Thumb Away
page 199
page 202
Beauty & the Beast
The Wicked Queen
Snowdrop & 7 Dwarves
Sleeping Beauty
The Valiant Cornishman
Jack & the Beanstock
The Three Little Pigs
Bluebeard - Sister Anne
Henny Penny page 352
Puss in Boots
Titty Mouse & Tatty Mouse page 377
page 378
page 379
page 380