The Birds
- Item:
- Title:
- The Birds
- Author:
- Aristophanesk
- Editors:
- Translator:
- Dudley Fitts
- Illustrator:
- Quentin Blake
- Printer:
- Lion and Unicorn Press
- Place of Printing:
- London
- Date of Printing:
- 1971
- Format:
- 11.5 x 9 inches
- Language:
- McCune Location:
- Sh. 14 #4
- Reference:
Author and Commentators
Aristophanes (ca. 446-ca. 386 B.C.). Athenian playwright best known for his comedies and satires.
Dudley Fitts (1903-1968). Born in Boston, he attended Harvard University. He was a teacher, critic, poet, and translator.
Quentin Blake (1932-?). British cartoonist and illustrator.
The Book
This play was presented at the Dionysian festival in 414 B.C. It took second prize in the competition. The book is approximately 167 pages. This copy is #298. The boards are soft cover and illustrated with feathers. This book is extensively illustrated by Quentin Blake.
A satire in which the birds build a city (cloudcuckooland) in the sky and become the new gods.
The book also includes an introductory note by Dudley Fitts, a list of persons represented, general notes on the play, and an index of proper names.