The German Classics: Masterpieces of German Literature Translated into English. Volume 1
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Kuno Francke
The German Publication Society
Place of Printing:
New York
Date of Printing:
Author and Commentators
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832).
Kuno Francke (1855-1930). German-born educator and historian. He was a professor at Harvard.
The Book
Volume 1 contains poems and dramas of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Editor's Preface
Publishers Foreword
General Introduction. By Richard M. Meyer
The Life of Goethe. By Calvin Thomas
Greeting and Departure. Translated by Charles Wharton Stork
The Heathrose. Adapted from the translation by E.A. Bowring
Mahomet's Song. Translated by E.A. Bowring
Prometheus. Translated by E.A. Bowring
The Wanderer's Night-Song. Adapted from the translation by E.A. Bowring
The Sea-Voyage. Translated by E.A. Bowring
To the Moon. Translated by E.A. Bowring
The Fisherman. Translated by E.A. Bowring
The Wanderer's Night-Song. Translated by E.A. Bowring
The Erl-King. Translated by E.A. Bowring
The Godlike. Translated by E.A. Bowring
Mignon. Translated by E.A. Bowring
Proximity of the Beloved One. Translated by E.A. Bowring
The Shepherd's Lament. Translated by W.E. Aytoun and Theodore Martin.
Nature and Art Translated by A.I. du P. Coleman.
CoverSpineEndpapersVol. I Frontispiece - Goethe at Weimar TitleCopyright EditorsContentsIllustrationsEditor's PrefaceForewardGeneral IntroductionLife of GoetheGoetheGoetheGoetheGoetheGoethe's HouseGoetheMonument to Goethe in Berlin Monument to Goethe in RomeDeath of GoetheGreeting and DepartureThe HeathrosePrometheusThe Fisherman & MermaidIntroduction to Hermann and Dorothea Hermannn's ParentsLinen for EmigrantsMother Defending Hermann1Mother and SonEmigrants in VillageParson & ApothecaryHermann & Dorothea at FountainPear TreeBethrothalIphigenia in TaurusIphigeniaMeeting of Orestes, Iphigenia,Phylades IphigeniaFaust LegendTragedy of FaustFaust & MephistoMargaretFaust & MargaretFaust & Margaret Valentine's DeathMargaret's Downfall