The German Classics, Volume 3
- Item:
- German Classics Book
- Title:
- The German Classics: Masterpieces of German Literature Translated into English. Volume 3
- Author:
- Friedrich von Schiller
- Editor:
- Kuno Francke
- Printer:
- The German Publication Society
- Place of Printing:
- New York
- Date of Printing:
- 1913
- Format:
- Octavo
- Language:
- Incipit:
- Reference:
Author and Commentators
Friedrich von Schiller
Kuno Francke (1855-1930). German-born educator and historian. He was a professor at Harvard.
The Book
Volume 3 contains poems, dramas and correspondence by Friedrick von Schiller.
Life of Schiller. By Calvin ThomasPOEMS
- To the Ideal
- The Veiled Image at Sais
- The Ideal and The Actual Life
- Genius
- Votive Tablets (Selections)
- The Maiden from Afar
- The Glove
- The Diver
- The Cranes of Ibycus
- Thee Words of Belief
- The Words of Error
- The Lay of the Bell
- The German Art
- Commencement of the New Century
- Cassandra
- Rudolph of Hapsburg.
- Introduction to Wallenstein's Death. By William H. Carruth
- The Death of Wallenstein. Translated by S. T. Coleridge
- Introduction to William Tell. By William H. Carruth
- William Tell. Translated by Sir Theodore Martin, K.C.B.
- Homage of the Arts. Translated by A. I. du P. Coleman.
- The Thirty Years' War--Last Campaigns of Gustavus Adolphus. Translated by Rev. A. J. W. Morrison
- On the Use of the Chorus in Tragedy. Translated by A. Lodge
- Schiller's Correspondence with Goethe. Translated by L. Dora Schmitz
Vol. 3
Frontispiece - Schiller at Weimar
Schiller at Weimar
Life of Schiller
Schiller's Parents
Schiller's House
Schiller's Monument
Military Academy
Schiller at Court of Weimar
Knight Scorns Cunigonde
The Diver
The Lay of the Bell
Count Gives Up Horse
Introduction to Wallenstein's Death
Death of Wallenstein
Wallenstein & Seni
Wallenstein & Terzky
Octavio's Treason
Wallenstein Warned
Death of Wallenstein
Introduction to William Tell
William Tell
William Tell
Stauffacher and wife Gertrude
Oath on the Rutli
Tell Taking Leave of his Family
Tell & Gessler
Homage of the Arts
Thirty Years War
Gustavus Aldophus
Schiller-Goethe Correspondence
Monument to Goethe & Schiller
Goethe & Schiller Archives
Schiller's Letters