The Printing Arts: Books

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

A/B Books

ABC for Book Collectors.
John Carter. 6th Edition. Revised by Nicolas Barker. Oak Knoll Books. New Castle, Delaware. 1992
The Alphabet and Element of Lettering.
By Frederic W. Goudy. University of California Press. Berkeley and Los Angeles. 1942.
Alphabet Thesaurus- A Treasury of Letter Design.
Reinhold Publishing Corp. New York. 1960
American Children’s Books in a Changing World.
Paul A. Bennett. Reprint from the Penrose Annual. Volume 56.1962.
American Iron Hand Presses.
By Stephen O. Saxe. Oak Knoll Books. New Castle, DE. 1992.
American Metal Typefaces of the Twentieth Century.
Second, revised edition. By Mac McGrew. Oak Knoll Books. 1993.
“... And Brown.”
Lawrence Clark Powell. London. 1959
Antiquarian Books – An Insider’s Account.
Roy Harley Lewis. Arco Publishing Company, Inc. New York. 1987.
Basic Typography.
By John R. Biggs. Faber and Faber Limited. London. 1968
A Belated Tribute to Printers.
Odell Sheppard. Privately printed by A.R. Tommasini. Christmas 1957.
Beginners Guide to Design in Printing.
By Leslie G. Luker. 2nd Edition. Adana (Printing Machines) Ltd. 1965
A Bibliography of the Foulis Press.
Philip Gaskell. 2nd Edition. St. Paul’s Biographies. 1986. England.
A Bibliography of Trovillion Private Oress, Herman Schauinger.
Trovillion Private Press. Herrin, IL 1943.
The Biography of Ottmar Mergenthaler.
By Carl Schlesinger. Oak Knoll Books. New Castle, DE. 1992
The Binding of Books.
By Kenneth F. Perry and Clarence T. Baab. The Manual Arts Press. Peoria, IL. 1940.
Bluegrass Craftsman – Being the Reminiscences of Ebenezer Hiram Stedman Papermaker 1808-1885.
Edited by Frances L.S. Dugan and Jacqueline P. Bull. University of Kentucky Press. 1959.
The Book in America.
Hellmut Lehmann-Haupt, Lawrence C. Wroth and Rollo G. Silver. 2nd Edition. R.R. Bowker Company. New York. 1952
Bookbinding and the Care of Books.
By Douglas Cockerell. 5th Edition. Sir Isaac Pitman and Sons Ltd. London. 1968.
Book Binding By Hand For Students and Craftsmen.
By Laurence Town. Faber and Faber. London. MCMLI
Bookbinding in America – Three Essays.
R.R. Bowker Company. New York and London. 1990.
Books and Printing- A Treasury for Typophiles.
Edited with an introduction by Paul A. Bennet. The World Publishing Company. Cleveland and New York. 1951. Note: Signed by the editor.

C/D Books

The Calligraphy Work Book.
By George L. Thomson. Sterling Publishing Co., Inc. New York. 1985
The Care and Repair of Books.
By Harry Miller and John Archer. The R.R. Bowker Co. New York. 1945
The Case for Legibility.
By John Ryder. The Bodley Head. London. 1979.
Charles Holtzapffel’s Printing Apparatus for the Use of Amateurs.
By James Mosley and David Chambers. Private Libraries Association. 1971.
Chronicles of Genius and Folly.
By Frank E. Comparato. R. Hoe & Company. Culver City. 1979
Contemporary Book Design.
By Ralph E. Eckerstrom. Beta Phi Mu. Pantagraph Printing Co. Bloomington. IL. 1953.
Daniel Berkeley Updike and the Merrymount Press.
The American Institute of Graphic Arts. New York. 1940.
The Design of Books.
By Adrian Wilson. Reinhold Publishing Corp. New York. 1967.
The Dictionary of Paper.
3rd Edition. American Paper and Pulp Association. New York. 1965.
A Diderot Pictorial Encyclopedia of Trades and Industry. Vol.1 & 2.
By Denis Diderot. Dover Publications. New York. 1959
Distinguished American Book Designers and Printers.
Paul A. Bennett. Reprint from the Penrose Annual. Volume 55. 1962.
Domesday Preserved.
By Helen Forde. Printed for her Majesty’s Stationery Office by Balding & Mansell Limited. 1986.

E/F Books

Eleven Western Presses.
Roby Wentz. Printed for Members of the 37th Annual Convention of the International Associations of Printing House Craftsmen. Los Angeles. 1956.
An Encyclopedia of the Book.
By Geoffrey Ashall Glaister. The World Publishing Co. Cleveland and New York. 1960.
The Enemies of Books.
William Blades. Elliott Stock. London. 1896
An Enquiry into the Nature of Certain Nineteenth Century Pamphlets by John Carter and Graham Pollard.
Nicholas Barker and John Collins. 2nd Edition. Scolar Press. Oak Knoll Books. 1983,
An Exhibition of Books on Papermaking – A Selection of Books from the Collection of Leonard B. Schlosser.
The Free Library of Philadelphia. April15-June 15, 1968
Fine Printing in California.
By James D. Hart. Tamalpais Press. Berkeley, CA. 1960
First Principles of Typography.
By Stanley Morison. Cambridge University Press. 1951.
Five Hundred Years of the Printed Book 1440-1940.
Compiled by Leura Dorothy Bevis. University of California Press. 1940.
The Forty-Two Line Pages from the Gutenberg Bible in Minuscule Fascimile.
Privately Printed by A. R. Tommasini. 1969
Four Centuries of Fine Printing.
By Stanley Morison. Ernest Benn, Ltd. London
Four Centuries of Fine Printing.
4th Revised Edition. Stanley Morison. Barnes and Noble, Inc. NY 1960.
Frederic Goudy.
By J.R. Bruckner. Harry N. Abrams Inc. Publisher. New York. 1990.
From Xylographs to Lead Molds AD 1440-AD1921.(view PDF)
The Rapid Electrotype Company. Cincinnati, Ohio. 1921.

G/H Books

GPH: An Informal Record of George P. Hammond and his Era in the Bancroft Library.
(#13 in Series of Keepsakes issued by Friends of the Bancroft Library. 1965.
General Bookbinding.
By Chris H. Groneman. Revised Edition. McKnight & McKnight. Bloomington, IL. 1946.
Give Us Small Books.
The Lakeside Press. RR. Donnelley and Sons, Co. Chicago
The Golden Book – The Story of Fine Books and Bookmaking – Past and Present.
Douglas C. McMurtrie. Pascal Covici, Publisher. Chicago. 1927.
The Golden Book – The Story of Fine Books and Bookmaking – Past and Present.
Douglas C. McMurtrie. Pascal Covici, Publisher. Chicago. 1927. (Special Edition in cardboard case. Copy #162. Signed by the Author.)
Hart’s Rules for Compositors and Readers at the University Press Oxford.
37th Edition. Oxford University Press. London. 1967.
Headbands- How to Work Them.
By Jane Greenfield & Jenny Hill. 2nd, Revised Edition. Oak Knoll Books. New Castle, Delaware. 1990
A History of Printing Ink Balls and Rollers 1440-1850.
by C.H. Bloy. Evelyn Adams & Mackay Limited. London. 1967
A History of Book Illustration.
David Bland. The World Publishing Company. Cleveland and New York. 1958.
A History of the Old English Letter Foundries.
By Talbot Baines Reed. Revised and enlarged by A.F. Johnston. Faber and Faber Limited. London. MDCCCLXXXVII
A History of Paper.
Fraser Paper Limited. New York, NY. 1962

i/J Books

Influences on California Printing.
James D. Hart and Ward Ritchie. William Andrews Clark Memorial Library University of California. Los Angeles. 1970.
Ink on Paper – A Handbook of the Graphic Arts.
By Edmund C. Arnold. Harper & Row Publisher. New York and Evanston. 1963.
The Intertype – A Book of Instruction for its Operation and General Maintenance.
Intertype Corp. Brooklyn, NY. 1943.
An Introduction to the History of Printing Types.
By Geoffrey Dowding. Wace & Company Ltd. London. 1967
Introduction to Typography.
By Oliver Simon. Penguin Books. 1954.
Italian Old Style- A New Type Designed by Frederic W. Goudy.
Janson: A Definitive Collection.
The Greenwood Press. San Francisco, CA 1954

K/L Books

The Kelmscott Press.
By Williams S. Peterson. University of California Press. 1991
Lettering- Modes of Writing in Western Europe from Antiquity to the End of the 18th Century.
By Herman Degering. Universe Books. New York. 1965.
Linotype- Keyboard Practice.
Mergenthaler Linotype Co. Brooklyn, NY. 1951.
Linotype Maintenance Manual.
4th Printing. Linotype. Brooklyn, NY. 1951.
The Lion and Unicorn Press 1961.
A List of Type Specimens.
The Bibliographical Society. London. 1942.
The Look of the Book.
American Institute of Graphics Arts. New York. 1960.
A Lost Link in the Technique of Bookbinding and How I Found It.
By Peter Franck. Gaylordsville, CT. 1941

M/N Books

Manual of Script Typefaces.
By R.S. Hutchings. Cory, Adams & Mackay, Ltd. London. 1965
Manuale Tipografico.
Vol. I and II. By G. B. Bodoni. (Exact facsimile of Bodoni’s original edition). The Holland Press. London.
Mask of Craftsmanship.
Melvin Printing Co. 1969.
A Medieval Mirror Speculum Humanae Salvationis 1324-1500.
Adrian Wilson and Joyce Lancaster Wilson. University of California Press. Berkeley. 1984.
A Memoir of Thomas Bewick Written by Himself.
Edited by Montagne Weekley. The Cresset Press. London. 1961.
Modern Book Design From William Morris to the Present Day.
By Ruari McClean. Ebenezer Baylis & Son Ltd. Worcester, England. 1958
Modern Fine Printing.
By Stanley Morison. Ernest Benn, Ltd. London. 1925
A Natural History of the Typestickers of Los Angeles.
Compiled from the letters of Wm. M. Cheney. By Edwin H. Carpenter. The Rounce & Coffin Club. Los Angeles. 1960.
Notable Printers of Italy During the Fifteenth Century.(view PDF)
By Theodore Low Devinne. The Grolier Club of the City of New York. 1910

O/P Books

One Hundred and Fifty Years of Papermaking by Hand at Hayle Mill, Maidstone, England.
By J. Barcham Green. 1960.
Paper and Printing in Ancient China.
By Berthold Laufer. Caxton Club. Chicago, IL. 1931.
Papermaking- The History and Techinique of an Ancient Craft.
2nd Edition. By Dard Hunter. Alfred A. Knopf. New York. 1957.
Papermaking Through Eighteen Centuries.
By Dard Hunter. William Edwin Rudge. New York. 1930.
By J. Imberdis. Bird & Bull Press. 1961
A Passion For Books.
Lawrence Clark Powell. Limited Edition of 975 copies. The World Publishing Company. Cleveland & New York. 1958
Photolithography & Offset Printing.
By J.S. Mertle. The Graphic Arts Publishing Co. Chicago. IL. 1937.
Poets in a Landscape.
Gilbert Highet. Alfred A. Knopf. New York. 1957
The Practice of Printing.
By Ralph W. Polk. The Manual Arts Press. Peoria, IL. 1945.
The Practice of Typography- Plain Printing Types.
By Theodore Low De Vinne. The Century Co. New York. 1902
The Practice of Typography – Title Pages.
By Theodore Low De Vinne. The Century Co. New York. 1902.
A Primer To Bookbinding.
By Francis W. Grimm. Houghton Mifflin Company. Boston. The Riverside Press. Cambridge, MA. 1939.
The Printed Book.
Edwin Grabhorn. New Harmony Press. San Francisco, CA. December 1949.
Printed Ephemera.
By John Lewis. W.S. Cowell. Ipswich, Suffolk. 1962.
A Printer’s Almanac- The Heritage of the Printer.
Vol. II. By Alexander S. Lawson. North American Publishing Co. Philadelphia, PA. 1966
Printers’ Mark.
Printed by A.G. “Tommy” Tommasini. 1967.
Printers’ Marks and Devices.
By Howard W. Winger. The Claxton Club. Chicago. 1976
Printing and the Mind of Man.
Catalogue of the Exhibitions at the Brittish Museum and at Earls Court, London. 16-27 July 1963. Published by F.W. Bridges & Sons Ltd.
Printing for Pleasure.
By John Ryder. Phoenix House Ltd. London. 1955.
Printing Presses –History and Development From the 15th Century to Modern Times.
By James Moran. University of California Press. 1978.
Printing Explained. By Herbert Simon & Harry Carter.
The Dryad Press. Leicester, England. 1931
Printing Types: Their History Forms & Use.
By D.B. Updike. Vol. I and II. 2nd Edition. Harvard University Press. 1937
Processes of Graphic Reproduction in Printing.
By Arnold Curwen. Faber and Faber Limited. London. MCMXXXIV.
The Printer’s Craft: An exhibition selected from the R.R. Donnelley & Sons Company Collection.
May-Sept. 1982. By Jeffrey Abt. The Joseph Regenstein Library- University of Chicago
Printing Made Easy- A Comprehensive Instruction Manual for Users of Adana Printing Machines.
Printing With the Handpress.
By Lewis M. Allen. The Allen Press. Kentfield. CA. 1969.

Q/R Books

Renaissance Handwriting.
By Alfred Fairbank and Berthold Wolpe. The World Publishing Company. Cleveland, Ohio. 1960
The Repairing of Books.
By Sidney M. Cockerell. Sheppard Press. London. 1958.
Report on the Pulp & Paper Industry of Taiwan Republic of China.
By A.G. Wakeman, John Stevens, and L.K. Larson. 1964

S/T Books

A Sequel to an Inquiry into the Nature of Certain XIXth Century Pamphlets by John Carter and Graham Pollard.
Nicolas Barker and John Collins. Scolar Press. Oak Knoll Books. Reprinted in 1992.
Student’s Manual I.T.U.
Course of Lesson in Printing. International Typographical Union. Indianapolis, IN
A Tally of Types Cut For Machine Composition and Introduced at the University Press Cambridge 1922-1932.
Cambridge Privately Printed. 1953
Taste and Technique in Book Collecting.
John Carter. R.R. Bowker Company. New York. 1948.
Three Classics of Italian Calligraphy: Arrich & Tagliente & Palatino.
Dover Publications. 1953.
Type Designs – Their History and Development.
By A.F. Johnson. Grafton & Co. 1959
Type Specimen Facsimiles.
Published by Bowes & Bowes and Putnam
The Typographic Book 1450-1935.
By Stanley Morison & Kenneth Day. Ernest Benn Limited. London, England. 1963
Typologia- Studies in Type Design and Type Making.
By Frederic W. Goudy. University of California Press. Berkeley and Los Angeles. 1940
Typophile Chap Books; The Typohiles. New York:
  • 1940. Vol. 1. Songs for A Printers Way Goose.
  • 1940. Vol. II. Harsh Words. T.M. Cleland.
  • MCMXL. Vol. III. The Artist and the Fifteenth-Century Printer. William M. Irvins, Jr.
  • 1941. Vol. 4. An Inquiry into the Marital State.
  • 1941. Vol. V. Bombed But Unbeaten. Beatrice L. Warde.
  • 1942. Vol. VI. The Fine Art of Reviling. Translated from Chinese by Wm B. Pottus.
  • 1942. Vol. VII. Roman Numerals, Typographic Leaves and Pointing Hands.
  • 1943. Vol. 8. Thomas Bewick, Engraver. Rudolph Ruzicka.
  • 1943. Vol. IX. The Bowker Lectures on Book Publishing – First Series.
  • 1944. Vol. X. Early American Currency. George L. McKay.
  • 1944. Vol. XI. John Baskerville- Type-Founder and Printer 1706-1775. John H. Benton.
  • 1945. Vol. XII. The Bowker Lectures on Book Publishing – Second Series.
  • 1946. Vol. XIII. A Half-Century of Type Design and Typography (Vol. 1). Frederic W. Goudy.
  • 1946. Vol. XIV. A Half-Century of Type Design and Typography (Vol. 2). Frederic W. Goudy.
  • 1946. Vol. XV. B.R. Marks & Remarks.
  • 1947. Vol. 16. Printers as Men of the World. Evelyn Halter.
  • 1947. Vol. XVII. Mss. By WAD.
  • 1948. Vol. XVIII. The Bowker Lectures on Book Publishing – Third Series.
  • 1949. Vol. XIX. Off the Dead Bank. Carl Purlington Rollins.
  • 1949. Vol. XX. Typographic Heritage. Lawrence C. Wroth.
  • 1950. Vol. XXI. Through the Mill with B.R. Claire Bruce.
  • 1949. Vol. XXII. Some Random Recollections. Alfred A. Knopf.
  • 1950. Vol. XXIII. George Clymer and the Columbian Press. Jacob Kainen.
  • 1950. Vol. 24. Bouquet for BR.
  • 1951. Vol. XXV. Sagittarius: His Book.
  • 1951. Vol. XXVI. The Fell Types. Stanley Morison.
  • 1952. Vol. XXVII. Kelmscott Doves and Ashendene.
  • 1955. Vol. 28. Calligraphics Hands & Forms.
  • 1954. XXIX. A Chinese Printing Manual.
  • 1955. Vol. 30. Will Bradley – His Chap Book.
  • 1957. --------. John Howard Benson & His Work 1901-1956. Philip Hofer.
  • 1957. Vol. XXXII. On Designing and Devising Type. J. Van Krimpen.
  • -----. Vol. XXXIII. Owed to the Book.
  • 1957. ----------. Woodcuts by Antonio Fasconi.
  • 1960. Vol. XXXVII. About Alphabets- Some Marginal Notes on Type Design. Hermann Zapf.
  • 1960. Vol. XXXV. Postscripts on Dwiggins. Vol. 1.
  • 1960. Vol. XXXVI. Postscripts on Dwiggins. Vol. 2.
  • 1961. Vol. XXXVIII. A Commonplace Book for Typophiles.
  • 1964. Vol. --------. Elmer Adler in the World of Books.
  • 1964. Vol. XXXX. Recalling Peter: The Life and Times of Peter Beilenson and his Peter Pauper Press.
  • 1965. ------------. The Story of Frederic W. Goudy. Peter Beilenson.
  • ------. ------------. Portrait of a Publisher Alfred A. Knopf 1915-1965. Vol. 1.
  • ------. ------------. Portrait of a Publisher Alfred A. Knopf 1915-1965. Vol. 2.
  • 1967. Vol. 44. Mr. Eric Gill. David Kindersley.
  • 1968. Vol. XLVII. Theodore Low Devinne. Vol. 1.
  • 1968. Vol. XLVII. Theodore Low Devinne. Vol. 2.
  • 1971. Vol. 49. Disquisition on the Composing Stick. Martin K. Speckter.
Typophile Chap Book Commentary:
  • No. 30
  • No. 30
  • No. 31
  • No. 32
Typophiles Monograph:
  • 1948. No. 21. Librarians as Readers of Books. Lawrence Clark Powell.
  • 1955. No. 43. The Art of Virtue.
  • 1956. No. 45. B. Franklin 1706-1790.
  • 1958. No. 53. On True Happiness.
  • 1959. No. 55. Don’t Give Too Much For the Whistle. Benjamin Franklin.
  • 1958. No. 56. A Medal For Ben.
  • 1959. No. 58. Letters and Nil Larson.
  • 1959. No. 58. Letters and Nil Larson.
  • 1961. No. 60. B. Franklin – Inventor.
  • -----. No. 61. Benj. Franklin –Republican Printer.
  • 1961. No. 63. B. Franklin- Innovator.
  • ------. No. 64. BOB
  • ------. No. 65. Cordially Yours. Will Ransom.
  • 1961. No. 66. The Collectanea Typographica of Henry Lewis Bullen.
  • ------. No. 67. Carl Purington Rollins 1880-1960.
  • 1962. No. 68. Franklin Was There.
  • 1961. No. 69. The Scholar In America.
  • 1962. No. 70. Acta. Christophori Beisii
  • 1962. No. 71. Edward Lear. Philip Hofer.
  • 1963. No. 72. Amerca’s Big Ben.
  • 1964. No. 73. What Good is a Newborn Baby. B. Franklin
  • 1963. No. 74. The Holyland at Christmastime.
  • 1962. No. 75. A Memorial Service for Elmer Adler.
  • 1965. No. 76. What is Serving God? Tis Doing Good To Man.
  • 1964. No. 77. The Spirit of Christmas at Monticello.
  • 1965. No. 78. Leonard Baskin’s Speech.
  • 1965. No. 79. Land of Two Christmases.
  • 1966. No. 80. Articles of Belief.
  • 1965. No. 81. D.B. Updike & John Bianchi.
  • 1966. No. 83. An Alphabet of Christmas Words.
  • 1967. ------- Letter From A Danish Typographer.
  • -----. No. 84. Stevens L. Watts Many-Sided Typophile.
  • 1967. No. 85. Apology for Pinters.
  • -----. No. 86. J. Robert Oppenheimer.
  • 1968. No. 87. The Silence Dogood Letters.
  • 1967. No. 87. William Blackstone and the Oxford University Press.
  • 1968. No. 89. The Fell Types. Harry Carter.
  • 1968. No. 90. Frederic W. Goudy
  • 1969. No. 93. Hands Off or Hands On? Beatrice Wade
  • 1969. No. 93. Children’s Games. Iona and Peter Opie
  • Twenty-First Annual Selection of Outstanding Textbooks. American Institute of Graphics Arts. 1960.

U/V Books

Updike: American Printer and His Merrymount Press.
Daniel Berkeley Updike. The American Institute of Graphic Arts. 1947
U.S. Iana (1650-1950).
A Selective Bibliography in Which are Described 11,620 Uncommon and Significant Books Relating to the Continental Portion of the United States. Compiled by Wright Howes. 2nd Revised and Enlarged Edition. R.R. Bowker Company. The Newberry Library. 1962.

W/X/Y/Z Books

The Wood Beyond the World.
William Morris. Facsimile of the Kelmscott Press Edition (1894). Dover Publications. NY. 1972
Writing and Illuminating and Lettering.
By Edward Johnston. Sir Isaac Pitman & Son, Ltd. London.
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