McCune Collection Committee - Year End Report for 2007
Mission of the McCune Collection Endowment Fund Advisory Committee:
- To review and make recommendations to the Vallejo Library Advisory Board concerning expenditures to be made annually with funds generated by the McCune Collection Endowment Fund.
- To solicit contributions to the Fund from members of the community.
- To make recommendations concerning display, use and maintenance of the collection.
- To explore the possibilities of forming a local printing club to use the Albion Press.
- To make annual reports to the Vallejo Library Advisory Board on the financial status of the McCune Collection Endowment Fund and the activities of the Committee.
2007 is the twentieth anniversary of the start of the McCune Collection Endowment Fund Advisory Committee. During 2007, the McCune Collection was enriched by the following actions:
- Lecture Series for 2007: Attendance for the six lectures – 220 patrons.
- Spring Lectures-
- March 18. Carlo G. Carlucci. “A Light in Darkness: The Aeneid and its Hero for Our Dark Times.”
- April 15. Tim James. “The Bookbinding Industry in 19th Century America.”
- May 20. Mel Ahlborn. “Manuscript Illumination Demonstration.”
- Fall Lectures-
- Sept. 16. David Lance Goines. “The Art of the Poster.”
- Oct. 21. Mrs. P.J. Patrick. “Medieval Horrors in Manuscript Illustrations & 18th Century Satirical Drawings.”
- Nov. 18. Marsha Evans. “Henry Evans, Botanical Illustrator.”
- Spring Lectures-
- 501 c(3) Nonprofit Report.
Founded in 2006 as The McCune Art and Books Collection Fund, Inc., to serve as a non-profit course of funding for the Collection, the “Corporation” started the year with a cash balance of $1,631.47. During the year, the Fund received $10,810 in contributions, the largest of which were $10,000 for the Book Club of California and $500 from Mr Jeff Craemer of San Rafael, CA. An additional $260 was received from guests at Judith Hilburg’s birthday. The bulk of Corporation expenditures, $1126.00, were in support of the McCune Printing Society’s efforts, under the direction to Caroline Snyder, to set up and operate the Collection’s Albion Press. Of interest is that the Corporation received a small contribution ($50) from a lecture attendee (the Goines presentation), indicating that our lectures have potential as a source of support for the work of the Collection. The Corporation received no non-monetary contributions in 2007. Dr. Tom Snyder is the Treasurer of the Corporation and monthly submits a Treasurer’s Report and Commentary to the McCune Committee.
- McCune Endowment Fund Treasurer’s Report:
The oldest, and by far largest fund—the “McCune Endowment Fund”—was created by the sale of some collection assets in 1986. Under State law and county rules, this money is managed by the Controller of the City of Vallejo, with income from the fund paid each year into the “McCune Trust Fund”, the Committee’s operating fund.
At the beginning of 2007, the Endowment Fund stood at $114,021.38. The Fund enjoyed a good year, and after throwing off $4000 of income to the Trust Fund, it now stands at $116,291.38.
Since the Endowment Fund currently is a major source of support for the operation of the Collection, the goal has been to be sure that the Endowment Fund retains at least as much of its income as is necessary to maintain an inflation-adjusted value that remains steady, or grows just a bit. That way, future income will also grow at least the same rate as inflation.
- Organization of the McCune Room and Files:
- Lower cabinets in the McCune Room were cleared out of non-McCune related material. These cabinets are now available for future use.
- McCune records organized into a file system within freestanding cabinets and the previous committee minutes placed in chronological order.
- Telephone installed in the McCune Room (paid by the McCune Committee) to ensure internet access and emergency use. The telephone number is (707) 648-2576.
- Head Librarian Involvement:
The McCune Collection could not operate without the advice and guidance of the JFK Supervising Librarian Linda Matchette. She has been instrumental in ensuring that proper policies and procedures are followed. She performs the administrative and advisory work necessary to keep the McCune functioning. She not only aids in planning and coordinating of the McCune activities related to the library operations, she also maintains contact with the public, with the departments of the library, with the Library Board, and with all the groups that use the library for their various functions. Linda is a invaluable and irreplaceable member of this committee.
- New Website Design:
In November 2007, the McCune website ( underwent a significant design change to further highlight the collection. This creative website was custom designed by Kenneth Innes IV of Redding, CA. He designed the website to include information about the history of the McCune Collection, a biography of Dr. Donovan J. McCune, a statement of how the McCune Collection is different from other rare book collections, a list of the major categories in the collection and items in each category, sections on news and events, and finally a section telling about the administrative details of the McCune (location, hours, non-profit organization, etc.). This website contains photos and descriptions of rare books in the collection. Comments and suggestions should be sent to Kenneth Innes IV.
- Major Grants and Monetary Donations:
- Book Club of California (San Francisco) - $10,000
- Jeff Craemer (San Rafael) - $500.
- Book Club of California donates all material and books it prints. This is valued at over $300 per year (including free membership for the McCune Collection).
- Book, Photo and Art Print Acquisitions:
- The Art of Poster. E. McKnight Kauffer. Albert & Charles Boni, Publisher. 1925.
- Delta West, The Land & People of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. Dave Bohn. Photographer – Roger Minick. Scrimshaw Press. Berkeley. 1969. Signed by author and photographer.
- In the Heart of the Sierras – Yosemite, Big Trees, etc., The Yosemite Valley, etc. Jim Hutchings. 1886.
- Book, Photo and Art Print Donations:
- Donations - Pearl Tranter:
- Two Henry Evans prints.
- Donations - Book Club of California:
- Knights of the Lash. The Stagecoach Stories of Major Benjamin C. Truman. Gary F. Kurutz, editor.
- John Ignatius Bleasdale: A Friend of Wine in New Worlds. Thomas Finney.
- Southern California Travel Posters 1896-1965. B.C.C. Keepsake for 2006.
- A Valiant Enterprise. A History of the Talisman Press 1951-1993. Robert Greenwood.
- Donations - Joseph Taylor:
- California Tile – The Golden Era 1910-1940. Acme to Handcraft. Joseph A. Taylor, editor. Signed by the editor.
- California Tile – The Golden Era 1910-1940. Hispano-Moresque to Woolenius. Joseph A. Taylor, editor. Signed by the editor.
- The Arts and Crafts Movement in California. Living the Good Life. Kenneth R. Trapp.
- Donation - John Craemer:
- A Plethora of Printer’s Poetry or A Composing Room Compendium. Printed by John Craemer & Bruce Washbish.
- Donations - Judith Hilburg:
- 3 Leaves of Turkish Calligraphy, valued at $25 each.
- Calligraphy, Art & Color. Peter Halliday. 1994.
- Wood print block for printing Japanese. Valued at $100.
- Mondrian. Carel Blotkamp. 1995.
- A Medieval Mirror. Speculum Humanae Salvationis 1324-1500. Adrian Wilson & Joyce Lancaster Wilson. 1984.
- Donations - Pearl Tranter:
- Albion Press:
Caroline Snyder worked on upgrading the press room for the use of the McCune Press Society and for community print classes. A small Poco Proof press, along with other needed equipment and supplies were also purchased. Ms. Snyder also attended S.F. Center for the Book classes. Asa Peavey, S.F. Library Rare Book Collection, along with Fred Valmar, Hauileah Press, have greatly contributed to the revitalization of the press.
- Property donations:
- Flat Files. Donated by Lennar. To be used for art prints, photos, and press paper.
- Computer. Donated by Barry Jacobsen. To be used to list the books & articles in the collection and establish a computer listing for easier retrieval.
- Laser Printer. Donated by Krishan Conley-Arnold of the Benicia Vallejo Humane Society. To be used with the McCune Computer.
- Use of the McCune Room:
- McCune Lectures (six times a year)
- McCune Committee Meetings (monthly)
- Personal History Writing Group (monthly)
- Literary Assemblage (monthly)
- Friends of Library (once)
- History Club (once)
- Vallejo Architectural Foundation (once) – Lecture on tiles by Joseph Taylor on August 12, 2007.
- Map Society of California (twice)
- Updating the collection:
Cataloging New Items. Julie Stratton has been cataloguing new items received into the collection. These items are then placed in the SNAP system so that patrons of the library are aware they are available for viewing.
Shelf List. Shelf lists has been completed by Ken Innes III for the book cabinets on the east side (containing books on printing) of the McCune room, the book case on the west side (containing miscellaneous books) of the room, and for half the book cases of the south side (containing Fine Printing) of the room. These shelf lists are available in the McCune Room to aid patrons to find items in the collection. It is anticipated that shelf lists for the entire room will be completed during 2008.
Computer Listing. A new process was started in 2007 by Ken Innes III to enter pertinent information of the McCune Collection’s holdings into a stand alone computer in the McCune Room. This allows searches by author, title, editor, etc. to aid patrons in finding specific items.
- Biography of Dr. McCune:
- Short biography compiled by Ken Innes III. Dr. Tom Snyder obtained most Dr. McCune’s professional information from the historian at Kaiser Hospital.
- Publicity:
- Vallejo Times Herald article dated January 28, 2007 by Rich Freedman on the McCune Collection.
- Members of the McCune Committee in 2007:
- Chairperson - Judith Hilburg
- Secretary - Ken Innes, Jr.
- Treasurer - Tom Snyder.
- Members at Large - Jacqui Adam, Al Albeyta, Robert Allgood, Carlo Carlucci, Ric Duran, Jock Eggers, Ken Innes III, Jerry Korte, David Koven, JFK Supervising Librarian Linda Matchette, Joan McCann, Patricia Patrick, Kent Peterman, Joyce Scharf, Larry Stevens, Julie Stratton, Caroline Snyder, Lucille Vinsant.
- Volunteer Hours:
- The total number of hours volunteered by members of the McCune Committee for 2007 was 1227.