Young Folks' Bible History (1880)
- Item:
- Young Adult Book
- Title:
- Young Folks' Bible History
- Author:
- Charlotte M. Yonge
- Illustrator:
- Printer:
- D. Lothrop and Company (Publisher), Rockwell and Churchill (Printer)
- Place of Printing:
- New York and London
- Date of Printing:
- 1880
- Format:
- Language:
- Incipit:
- Reference:
- Donated by:
- Kenneth Innes III
Author and Commentators
Charlotte M. Yonge (1823-1901). English novelist and historian.
The Book
414 pages. Illustrated.
- The Making of the World. 9
- How Sin began and the Flood came. 18
- The Rainbow. 27
- Abraham and Lot. 34
- Jacob’s Journey. 42
- Joseph in Egypt . 49
- Joseph’s Brothers . 58
- The Call of Moses . 67
- The Plagues of Egypt. 76
- The Passover . 82
- The Gainsaying of Korali. 88
- Israel in the Wilderness . 94
- Balaam and Balak . 102
- The Giving of the Law. 109,117
- The Death of Moses. 125
- Israel in Battle. 133
- The Judges of Israel. 148
- Samuel . 150
- King Saul . 156
- The Reign of Saul. 164
- King David reigning . 174
- Preparing for the Temple . 179
- Solomon in his Glory . 186
- Solomon’s Fall . 191
- The Kingdom of Israel. 195
- Elijah and Ahab . 202
- Elijah and Elisha . 209
- Elisha’s Miracles. 217
- The Ruin of Ahab’s House. 220
- Hezekiah and Josiah.232
- Jehoiakim’s Cruelty.239
- Jeremiah’s Prophecies.242
- The Taking of Jerusalem . 251
- The Fall of Jerusalem.260
- The Jews at Babylon.267
- Daniel at Babylon.277
- The Return from Babylon.291
- Troubles of the Jews.301
- The Coming of the Lord.312
- The Childhood of our Lord.323
- The Preparation for the Ministry . 333
- The Calling of the Disciples.340
- The Ministry. 347
- Wonders of our Lord’s Working.356
- Going up to Jerusalem.361
- The Evening of the Betrayal.368
- The Trial and Condemnation • 377
- The Crucifixion.385
- The Resurrection.397
- The Ascension. 402
- The Waiting Time . 410
An online version of this book can be found at
Front Cover
Church of the Holy Sepulchre
Title Page
Copyright & Contents
Contents & List of Illustrations
List of Illustrations
List of Illustrations
List of Illustrations
pg 14-15
How Sin Began & the Flood Came
pg 22-23
pg 24-25
pg 26-27
Abraham & Lot pg 34-35
pg 40-41
Jacob's Journey
pg 46-47
Joseph in Egypt
pg 56-57
pg 64-65
The Call of Moses
pg 70-71
pg 74-75
The Plagues of Egypt
pg 80-81
The Passover
pg 86-87
The Gainsaying of Korah
pg 92-93
Israel in the Wilderness
pg 100-101
Balaam & Balak
The Giving of the Law
pg 114-115
The Giving of the Law
pg 122-123
The Death of Moses
pg 123-127
pg 130-131
Israel in Battle
pg 134-135
pg 140-141
The Judges of Israel
pg 144-145
pg 148-149
King Saul
pg 160-161
pg 162-163
The Reign of Saul
pg 166-167
pg 172-173
King David Reigning
Preparing for the Temple
pg 180-181
pg 184-185
Solomon in his Glory
Solomon's Fall
The Kingdom of Israe;
pg 200-201
Elijah & Ahab
Elijah & Elisha
pg 210-211
Elisha's Miracles
pg 220-221
pg 224-225
The Ruin of Ahab's House
pg 230-231
Hezekiah & Josiah
Jehoiakim's Cruelty
Jeremiah's Prophecies
pg 244-245
The Talomg of Jerusalem
pg 254-255
pg 258-259
The Fall of Jerusalem
The Jews at Babylon
pg 274-275
Daniel at Babylon
pg 280-281
pg 284-285
pg 288-289
The Return from Babylon
pg 294-295
Troubles of the Jews
pg 304-305
pg 308-309
The Coming of the Lorde
pg 314-315
pg 316-317
pg 320-321
The Childhood of our Lord
pg 324-325
pg 330-331
The Preparation for the Ministry
pg 334-335
The Calling of the Disciples
pg 344-345
The Ministry
pg 348-349
pg 352-353
Wonders of our Lord's Working
Going up to Jerusalem
pg 364-365
The Evening of the Betrayal
The Trial & the Condemnation
pg 378-379
The Crucifixion
pg 388-389
pg 392-393
The Resurrection
The Ascension
pg 406-407
pg 408-409
pg 410-411
pg 414-415
Church of the Holy Sepulchre
The Making of the World
The Waves Burst with a White Edge
How Sin Began & the Flood Came
Sprig of Olive Branch
Mount Ararat
The Rainbow
Abraham and Lot
Mosque of the Cave of Machpelah
Jacob's Journey
Joseph in Egypt
Jospeh before Pharoh
Selling Joseph
Joseph's Brothers
Arrival of Jacob's Family in Egypt
The Call of Moses
Scene in Egypt
The Plagues of Egypt
Rachel's Tomb
Egyptian Palm
The Gainsaying of Korah
Offering Sacrifice
Israel in the Wilderness
Mount Sinai
Balaam & Balak
The Giving of the Law
The Golden Calf
The Giving of the Law
The Death of Moses
Cedars of Lebanon
Mount Nebo
Israel in Battle
Banks of the Jordan
A Syrian Shepherd
The Judges of Israel
Harvest Carrying
King Saul
Reign of Saul
Shepherd Boy
Party at Dinner
King David Reigning
Preparing for the Temple
Modern Jerusalem
House Top & Battlement
Solomon in his Glory
Virtuous Woman
Solomon's Fall
Kingdom of Israel
Elijah & Ahab
Grinding Grain
Elijah & Elisha
Elijah Fed by an Angel
Elisha's Miracles
A House Top Scene in Damascus
Public Garden in Damascus
The Ruin of Ahab's House
Cylinder containing the Pentateuch
Hezekiah & Josiah
Jehoiakim's Cruelty
Jeremiah's Prophecy
The Taking of Jerusalem
Ruins of Babylon
Fall of Jerusalem
The Jews at Babylon
Sculptured Lion in Palace of Babylon
Daniel at Babylon
Tamarisk Tree of Babylon
Palace of Babylon
Jews Wailing Wall
Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin
The Return from Babylon
Troubles of the Jews
Wall of Jerusalem
The Coming of the Lord
Women of Judea
Angel & the Shepherds
The Childhood of Our Lord
The Babe in the Manger
Preparation for the Ministry
Fords of the Jordan
Calling of the Disciples
Lake of Galilee
The Ministry
Ruins of the Synagogue
Walking on the Water
Wonder of Our Lord's Works
Going Up to Jerusalem
Ancient Jerusalem
Evening of the Betrayal
Prayer in the Garden
Trial & Condemnation
Garden of Gethsmane
The Crucifix
Jesus Falls Beneath the Cross
The Prayer on the Cross
The Resurrection
The Ascension
Mount of Olives
page 414