The McCune Collection Presents the Fall 2014 Lecture Series
Sunday November 16, 2pm
A Paper Pilgrimage from Page to Stage: the Toy Theatre Canterbury Project presents two tales from Geoffrey Chaucer
The McCune Rare Book Collection is excited to present A Paper Pilgrimage from Page to Stage: the Toy Theatre Canterbury Tales production of a special work-in-progress performance of two of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales inspired by the Kelmscott Chaucer, one of the rare book gems of the McCune collection. Michael and Valerie Nelson will present the Miller's Tale and the Reeve's Tale in a paper theater production created especially for the McCune. While the grand opening of the production is slated for early 2015, you’re invited to join us for an exclusive sneak peek into the bawdy, ribald medieval world of Chaucer’s classic oeuvre. For more information please visit: Kelmscott Chaucer Toy Theatre Project