Harper’s History of the War in the Philippines

- Item:
- Title:
- Harper’s History of the War in the Philippines
- Author:
- edited by Marrion Wilcox
- Printer:
- Harper & Brothers
- Place of Printing:
- New York and London
- Date of Printing:
- 1900
- Format:
- Elephant Folio. 16.5 x 12 inches
- Language:
- McCune Location:
- Reference:
Author and Commentators
Marrion Wilcox (1858-1926) was born in Georgia. He graduated from Yale University in 1878 and received his L.L.B. from Hamilton College and was admitted to the New York Bar. Wilcox acted as an instructor at Yale and wrote A Short History of the War with Spain and Harper’s History of the War in the Philippines.
The Book
Approximately 473 pages. Contains a listing of the U.S. soldiers by rank on pages 413-465. Extensively illustrated and containing numerous maps. Approximately twenty-six full-page colored illustrations and over a thousand black-and-white illustrations and photograph. On page 384 there is an illustration of General Lawton by Frederic Remington. Some of the war correspondences contributing to this book were John F. Bass, William Dinwiddie, and Frank D. Millet. There are also accounts by the officers commanding the actions such as Admiral Dewey and Generals Greene, Lawton, Merritt, and Otis.
This book discusses the war in the Philippines from1899 thru 1900). It covers the insurrection of 1896 by the Filipinos against Spain, the revolutionary government of Emilio Aguinado et al. and the pact of Biak-na-Bato, in which the Spanish government ended hostilities with the revolutionaries by granting amnesty and paying them a monetary indemnity. Then in April 1898, the Spanish-American War began. Admiral Dewey brought his squadron to Manila to defeat the Spanish squadron under Admiral Montojo.
Although the Filipinos had fought against the Spanish and controlled much of the Philippines, the United States did not recognize Philippine independence. Filipino troops were not allowed to enter the city of Manila which had been captured by the Americans. The Spanish seceded the Philippines to the United States at the Treaty of Paris in 1898.
The declaration of independence by Emilio Aguinado was not recognized by the United States. This let to conflict between the American and Filipino forces.
In February 1899, an American soldier on guard duty shot a Filipino officer who refused to stop when challenged. This lead to the start of the war with the Filipinos under Aguinado. Brigadier General Wheaton led a flying column to cut communications between the north and south insurgent armies. The Americans under Arthur McArthur soon overtook Maloslos (the first insurgent capital) and then when the capital was moved to San Isidro and Cabanatuan, these were also captured.
The American army pursued Emilio Aguinado and his government throughout the Philippines. But the war did not always go the American’s way. In 1899, Lieutenant Gilmore and twelve sailors were captured off the coast of Luzon. After marching them for quite a distance, the Americans were to be executed but were saved due to other American troops being in the area. During the night the Filipinos left their prisoners and escaped. In November 1899, the cruiser Charleston was wrecked off a reef near Luzon. In another incident, Brigadier General Henry Ware Lawton was on the battle lines in San Mateo in December of 1899 when he was shot and killed by an insurgent sharpshooter.
Although not included in the book, the war began to come to an end during the next few years. Finally, in 1901, Aguinado was captured and accepted the authority of the United States over the Philippines. However, General Malvar took over the government and continued guerilla operations. He did not surrender until 1902.
- How Magellan Came To Cebu
- How the Philippine Islands Received Their Names
- The Final Revolt Against the Spaniards
- The Overthrow of the Spanish Dominion in the Philippines
- To the Philippines with American Troops
- The Vain Hope of Independence
- The Third Battle of Manila
- From the Attempt to Destroy Manila to the Flying Columns Success
- On to Malolos; the Taking of the First Insurgent Capital; the Santa Cruz Raid
- The Taking of the 2nd and 3rd Insurgent Capitals
- Military Operations East & South of Manila in June 1899; Luzon & Visayas
- Progress in Central & Southern Islands; Constitution-making in Negros; Treaty-making in Sulu
- Contrasts: Naval Activity in Philippines, Admiral Returns; Typical U.S. Regiment
- Attempt to Capture Aguinaldo; Loss of the Cruiser Charleston; Garrison Life
- Pursuit of Aguinaldo; Luzon Highlands; Lt. Gillmore Captivity; General Lawton
- Last Expeditions
- Agriculture, Commerce, Transportation
- Treaty with the Sultan of Sulu.
- Troop F. Third Cavalry.
- Brigadier-General Grant’s Report.
- Report on Battle of San Mateo.
- American Volunteer Soldiers.
- The Astor Battery

Hernando de los Rios
- Title:
- Hernando de los Rios Coronel and the Spanish Philippines in the Golden Age
- Author:
- John Newsome Crossley
- Printer:
- Ashgate
- Place of Printing:
- Farnham, Surrey, England
- Date of Printing:
- 2011
- Format:
- 6 x 4 inches
- Language:
- McCune Location:
- Reference:
Author and Commentators
Hernando de Rios Coronel (1559-1624). Spanish soldier, priest, navigator, inventor, captain, and Procurator General. A major individual in the history of the Spanish Philippines.
John Newsome Crossley. He received his Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy degrees from Oxford in 1963. He became Professor of Mathematics and Professor of Logic at Monash University. Now, Emeritus Professor at Monash University, Australia. Author of books and articles about mathematics.
The Book
The book is hardcover. 260 pages long.
This book concerns the life of Hernando de los Rios Coronel and his relationship to the Philippines. De los Rios came to the Philippines as a soldier in 1588. He was involved in putting down a Chinese uprising in 1603 when Chinese revolted against the Spanish living in Manila. At that point in time, there were 20,000 Chinese in the area as opposed to only 70 Spanish. However, with the help of the Spanish arquebuses, the uprising was put down.
The Philippines was a hard to reach colony of Spain. From Manila to Spain took five month by sea. From Mexico to Manila took three months. For this reason, orders from the government in Spain took a long time to arrive in the Philippines. Mostly the Philippines was used as a way station for trade. Chinese silk was a major export from China being in great demand in Spain and the rest of Europe. It also supplied many of the needs of the Philippine islands. In the same respect, the Chinese would accept all silver that could be exported from Mexico. So there was always a fear that the colony could be lost to Spain by the Dutch or the Chinese.
While in the Philippines, de los Rios, wrote a history of the Spanish in the Philippines 1521-1617. In 1603, de los Rios took Holy Orders to become a priest. However, he continued to be involved in the administration of the Philippines. He acted in the role of Procurator General to the Spanish Court from 1606-1610 and again from 1618-1624. In this position, he acted as a advocate not only for the Spanish in the Philippines but also for the indigenous population.
De los Rios’ collected over 30 books in the Philippines. This collection initially formed the heart of the Library of Santo Tomas in Manila (oldest continuous university in the Far East).
Filipinos in Vallejo
- Item:
- Title:
- Filipinos in Vallejo
- Author:
- Mel Orpilla
- Printer:
- Arcadia Publishing
- Place of Printing:
- Date of Printing:
- 2005
- Format:
- 9 x 6.5 inches
- Language:
- Incipit:
- Reference:
Author and Commentators
Mel Orpilla. Author and lecturer. Mel Orpilla also writes for the Vallejo Times Herald.
Herbert Ingram Priestly (1875-1944). Born in Michigan, he moved to California in 1889. In 1912, he became the Assistant Curator of the Bancroft Library and held the post of Librarian from 1920-1940.
The Book
This is a paperback book in the Images of America series. It contains 128 pages of information about Filipino life in Vallejo, CA with approximately 200 black and white photos. There is an inscription in the front of the book:”Diji, I hope you enjoy my book. Our history runs deep in Vallejo. Mel Orpilla. 3/20/05.”
- Bachelor Society
- Family Life
- Building a Community
- Patriotism
- Growing Up in Vallejo
- Sharing our Culture
- Model Filipino-American Community