The City of Domes
Book Jacket
- Item:
- Book
- Title:
- The City of Domes, A Walk with an Architect About the Courts and Palaces of the Panama Pacific International Exposition with a Discussion of Its Architecture - Its Sculpture - Its Mural Decorations Its Coloring - And Its Lighting -Preceded by a History of Its Growth
- Author:
- John D. Barry
- Illustrator:
- Printer:
- John J. Newbegin
- Place of Printing:
- San Francisco
- Date of Printing:
- 1915
- Format:
- Language:
- Incipit:
- Reference:
- Donated by:
- Kenneth Innes III
Author and Commentators
John D. Barry (1866-1942). American architect and author.
The Book
The book is 142 pages plus five pages of advertisements. Illustrated with many photographs from the Panama Pacific International Exposition.
- Preface
- Introduction
- I. The View from the Hill
- II. The Approach
- III. In the South Gardens
- IV. Under the Tower of Jewels
- V. The Court of the Universe
- VI. On the Marina
- VII. Toward the Court of the Four Seasons
- VIII. The Court of the Four Seasons
- IX. The Palace of Fine Arts from across the Lagoon
- X. The Palace of Fine Arts at Close Range
- XI. At the Palace of Horticulture
- XII. The Half Courts
- XIII. Near Festival Hall
- XIV. The Palace of Machinery
- XV. The Court of the Ages
- XVI. The Brangwyns
- XVII. Watching the Lights Change
- XVIII. The Illuminating and the Reflections
- Features that Ought to he Noted by Day
- Features that Ought to be Noted by Night
- Index
- "The Pioneer Mother"
- Design of the Exposition made in 1912
- Site of the Exposition before Construction was Begun
- Fountain of Youth
- Fountain of El Dorado
- Court of the Universe
- "Air" and "Fire"
- "Nations of the West" and "Nations of the Fast
- "The Setting Sun" and "The Rising Sun"
- "Music" and "Dancing Girls
- "Hope and Her Attendants"
- Star Figure; Medallion Representing "Art"
- California Building
- Spanish Plateresque Doorway, in Northern Wall
- Eastern Entrance to Court of Four Seasons
- Night View of Court of Four Seasons
- Portal in Court of Four Seasons
- The Marina at Night
- Rotunda of the Palace of Fine Arts
- Altar of Palace of Fine Arts
- "The Power of the Arts"
- Italian Fountain, Dome of Philosophy
- "The Thinker"
- "Aspiration"
- "Michael Angelo"
- Italian Renaissance Towers
- "The End of the Trail"
- Colonnade in Court of Palms
- "Victorious Spirit"
- Entrance to Palace of Horticulture
- Night View of the Palace of Horticulture
- Festival Hall at Night
- "The Pioneer"
- Fountain of Beauty and the Beast
- Entrance to Palace of Varied Industries
- Group above Doorway of Palace of Varied Industries
- Avenue of Palms at Night
- Avenue of Progress at Night
- Arcaded Vestibule in Entrance to Palace of Machinery
- "Genii of Machinery"
- "The Genius of Creation"
- Tower in Court of the Ages
- Fountain of the Earth
- "The Stone Age"
- "Fruit Pickers"
- Entrance to Court of the Ages, at Night
- "The Triumph of Rome"
- "The Thirteenth Labor of Hercules"
An online version of this book can be found at the following websites:
Book Jacket
Front Cover
John D. Barry 1915
Frontispiece & Title
Illustrations & Preface
pages 2-3
page 4
page 5
page 6
page 7
pages 8-9
page 10
page 11
page 12
page 13
pages 14-15
page 16
page 17

page 23
page 24
page 25
pages 26-27
page 28
Chp I The View From the Hill
page 30
page 31
pages 32-33
page 34
Chp II The Approach
Chp III In the South Gardens

page 41
Chp IV Under the Tower of Jewels
page 43
Chp V The Court of the Universe
page 46
page 47
page 48
page 49
Chp VI On the Marina
page 52
page 53
Chp VII Toward the Court of Four Seasons
page 55
Chp VIII The Court of Four Seasons
page 58
page 59
page 60
Chp IX The Palace of Fine Arts
pages 62-63
page 64
page 65
page 66
page 67
Chp X The Palace of Fine Arts at Close Range
page 70
page 71
Chp XI The Palace of Horticulture
page 73
pages 74-75
page 76
page 77
Chp XII The Half Courts
page 79
Chp XIII Near Festival Hall
page 82
Chp XIV The Palace of Machinery
page 84
page 85
Chp XV The Court of the Ages
page 88
page 89
page 90
page 91
Chp XVI The Brangwyns
page 94
page 95
page 96
page 97
pages 98-99
page 100
Chp XVII Watching the Lights Change
page 102
Chp XVIII Illuminating & Reflecting
page 104
page 105
pages 106-107
page 108
page 109
page 110
page 111
pages 112-113
page 114
page 115
pages 116-117
page 118
page 119
page 120
page 121
page 122
page 123
pages 124-125
page 126
page 127
pages 128-129
page 130
page 131
page 132
page 133
page 134
page 135
page 136
page 137
page 138
The Pioneer Mother
1912 Drawing of the Exhibition
Undeveloped Site of the Exhibition
Fountain of Youth
El Dorado
The Court of the University
Air and Fire
Nations of the West & East
Setting & Rising Sun
Music & The Dancing Girls
Hope & Attendants
The Medallion
The California Building
East Entrance to Court of Four Seasons
Court of 4 Seasons at Night
Marina at Night
Rotunda of the Palace of Fine Arts
Altar in Rotunda
The Power of the Arts
Italian Fountain
The Thinker
Michael Angelo
Renaissance Towers
The End of the Trail
Colonnade in Court of Palms
Victorious Spirit
Entrance to Palace of Horticulture
Palace of Horticulture
Festival Hall
The Pioneer
Beauty & the Beast
Entrance to Varied Industries Palace
Artisans & Artists
The Avenue of Palms
The Avenue of Progress
Arcaded Vestible
Bas Relief
The Genius of Creation
Tower in the Court of the Ages
Fountain of the Earth
The Stone Age
The Fruit Picker
Court of Ages
The Triumph of Rome
The Thirteenth Labor of Hercules