Horace [Quintus Horace Flaccus] (65 B.C. – 8 B.C.] was the most noted Roman poet. As a young man he accepted military tribune position with Brutus’ army in its fight with Octavian and Mark Anthony. When Brutus lost at Philippi in 42 B.C., Horace’s position was desperate. He was considered a traitor, his estate was confiscated and his life was in danger. However, he was pardoned in the general amnesty by Octavian (later Augustus Caesar). Horace obtained a position as a clerk and began to write his verses in his free time. Augustus Caesar offered Horace the position of Caesar’s clerk but Horace declined. Horace’s fame grew throughout the empire. Some of his works include the Satire, the Odes, the Epistles and Ars Poetica.
Christopher Landini (Cristoforo Landino) 1424-1498 was a poet as well as a classical scholar. His patron was Pietro Di Cosimo De Medici. Landini taught rhetoric and poetry in Florence. He wrote commentary on the Aeneid and on the works of Horace.
This is the complete works of Horace edited and with commentary by scholar Christophori Landini.
Our copy lacks five preliminary leaves. There are 46 lines of commentary by Landini surrounding various lines of text of Horace, both in Roman type. On the first page, blank space was left for a nine line initial to be filled in by the illuminator. Quire signatures at the bottom of the page. Contemporary notes in the back flyleaf. The are also notes in the margins on various pages. The colophon contains the following information: Impressum per Antonium miscominum flotentiae anno salutis MCCCLXIII. Nonis augusti. This book was originally purchased by Dr. McCune from rare book dealer David Magee in 1961.
Antonio Di Bartolomeo Miscomini (ca1445-1495) was from Bologna. He became a printer in Venice (1476-1478), printed a short while with his brother George in Nonentola in 1481 and then moved his business to Florence (1481-1495). He also printed a few items at Modena during 1487-1489 with Domenico Roccociola. Miscomini printed over 90 works of incunabula.