Powell Street Looking Up to California Street Hill.
The Conservatory from the Terrace of Golden Gate Park.
Shipping Scene in San Francisco Harbor.
Music Stand in Golden Gate Park.
In the Japanese Tea Garden – Golden Gate Park.
Children’s Playground – Golden Gate Park.
Huntington Falls - Golden Gate Park.
Alameda on the Presidio.
The Tavern from the Summit of Mount Tamalpais.
Mount Tamalpais – Double Bow Knot and View Toward Golden Gate.
Front CoverTitleBreakers at Golden GateCliff HouseSeal RocksInterior Sutro BathsThe Seal RocksParapet at Sutro HeightsPalm Ave. Sutro HeightsPalace Hotel & Lotta FountainMarket St. looking EastFort PointCourt View at Palace HotelChronicle Bldg, Market St, Speckels BldgFerry BuildingUpper Corridor of Ferry BuildingChinese ChildrenMission DoloresSmoking Room Chinese RestaurantChinese FamilyCity Hall Chinese QuarterStanford ResidenceUnderground Opium DenPowell Street at CaliforniaThe ConservatoryShipping SceneMusic Stand Golden Gate ParkJapanese GardenChildren's PlaygroundHuntington Falls in Golden Gate ParkAlameda of the PresidioThe Tavern from Mt TamalpaisMt Tamalpais view of Golden Gate